Wednesday, June 07, 2023

What if public schools were inculcating religion and not sexuality?

 Let me say at the outset that that issues of support or opposition to any particular sexuality, one way or the other, has no place in any public school system.

The job of schools is academics. Period. And out public school academics are essentially horrific, a joke, a waste of hundreds of billions of dollars every year and a situation made worse by the focus on leftist programing concerning both the political realm and the sexual.

Which brings up the issue here:

This reel listed below illustrates a good point:

In many public schools, programming children begins essentially the moment they first walk through the door. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual. Trans, etc... including how-to books and classes.

Oppose any of this programming and you're a bigot, a nazi, etc.

We have to go along with these fringe-programs, Kids are not allowed to object... we've all by now heard the stories of kids not allowed in their graduation in high schools merely because they've publicly announced the horrific and absolutely true reality that there are but two genders and no amount of delusion or mutilation can change that.

What if, instead of programing children, many without their parents' knowledge or awareness; or in the case of Washington State, thanks to Inslee signing SB 5599 into law allowing children who CAN'T EVEN GET THEIR EARS PIERCED WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION to UNDERGO PERMANENT GENDER MUTILATION WHILE THE STATE DELIBERATELY LIES TO THE PARENTS ABOUT WHATS GOING ON... Mutilation like this:

... what if THAT programing was replaced with, say, religious programing?

What if Christianity was being rammed down the intellectual throats of children in our public schools? What if it were one of the Muslim religions? Or Mormon? Or Buddhist?

The same... the EXACT same people ramming this sexual ideology down our children's throats would be horrified at the thought of it. These same people would riot. Court cases would fly like machine gun bullets.

But.... what is the difference beyond the sexual inculcation of children with their subsequent efforts to mutilate them for life without parental awareness, permission or approval... and religious "brainwashing", save for the scaring and mutilation of children both mentally and physically that can NEVER be undone while deluding them into believing that surgery, or binders, or pronouns or allowing fake women to compete against the real thing or use their locker rooms will somehow solve ALL of their problems...

These same people would lose their minds over posting the 10 Commandments in a classroom.

But destroying children's lives? Enslaving them to expanders twice daily for the rest of their lives... Enslaving them to hormones... the side effects of medication designed to chemically castrate? The butchery of fake penises? Or fake vaginas?

That's just swell.

What would happen if schools actually forced a POV against the parent's will?

If it's anything related to sexuality? That's fine.

If it's anything related to religion? That's anathema.

Check out this link below for a brief explanation.

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