Face it.
Locally, Rivers is politically DOA.
People vote their wallets. And, for whatever the reason, Rivers has been taking her jackhammer to ours.
First, she fibbed her way into office by pledging to oppose any gas tax or tab fee increase, which as the average reader now knows was a full on, bald face lie.
As a reminder, here's a screen capture from her campaign web site:
The result?
Rivers, for her part, has never apologized for lying her way into office. She's never truthfully explained why she's sold us out and, in the process, trashed her own district that was uniformly opposed to her betrayal.
Thanks to Brent Boger, who recorded this (for the wrong reasons, to be sure) Rivers' lies are on video for all to see... no matter what she's running for in the future... and her political hari-kari is being done for much more than just her Senate seat... for which, any well-financed conservative can beat her like a rented mule and remove her from politics altogether.
Rivers will be the first to tell you that politics makes strange bedfellows to be sure.
But when you combine this betrayal with her most recent?
Every one of us who own or rent property are going to feel this one where it hurts the most. And Rivers will be the one most responsible for the sting.
Yes, Sen. John Braun, heretofore marketing himself as a "conservative," also bears some responsibility for bending us over and raping our wallets. But it was Rivers who was hired by a democrat campaign firm during a critical juncture in these so-called "negotiations," where really, the only thing at issue was the method of our fiscal execution that the fake-Republican controlled State Senate was arranging.
Regardless, it was Rivers who led the charge on screwing us so the WEA could become even MORE powerful with even MORE money... having been hired by the democrats at the time.
The result?
An additional $5.5 billion tossed into their kitty.
The result?
As I have been writing here for months, our property taxes are going to explode.
She lies about it, of course. What else CAN she do?
She told everyone at her dog and pony shows yesterday that NEXT year; our property taxes will go down.
Of course, both her sock puppet Sen. Lynda Wilson (D - Tracy) told the GOP PCO's that they were going down THIS year last Summer, but that doesn't seemed to have worked out, did it?
Yes, the state portion of the property tax is projected to go down next year.
But here's the minor detail:
They're projected to go down around 10%... of THIS year's INCREASE!
And the following year?
They're projected to go back UP, about 10% of this year's increase, putting us back to THIS year's property tax amount!
Watch and listen as Rivers and her parrot Wilson explain it all to the PCO's. They speak for themselves, but clearly, there is no lie these scum won't tell you.
They not only lied... they did it with a smile.
And now, sources tell me, Rivers claimed yesterday that she intends to drop a DACA bill of some sort that will support the illegal aliens in this state, even more than she already does!
Have we noticed, she supposedly said, how expensive apples are lately?
Well, unlike Rivers, I actually buy apples and guess what?
They cost the same this year as they have for the past several.
But Rivers claims that there's some sort of shortage of agricultural workers and that we NEED the DACA illegals to pick fruit.
We have more illegal aliens in this state... in this country... than we've EVER had.
So... how can there be a shortage of agricultural workers?
(Sometimes, it frightens me that an actual state senator could believe her constituents are such idiots.)
Maybe... just maybe... the illegals are taking OTHER jobs OUTSIDE of agriculture? Taking jobs they're not SUPPOSED to take?
Does this idiot actually believe that these illegals here under DACA are just pining away to work in the fields, and somehow, she can fulfill their dream legislatively?
Were the voters of the 18th District to become aware of her leftist leanings on illegal aliens, they'd dive into a vat of boiling hydrochloric acid before they'd vote for her.
Combine that with her flipping on the CRC/Loot Rail scam... a project that she bears the lion's share of responsibility for killing... and what possible motivation does she have for all of this?
There are only three possible reasons for this:
1. She's being blackmailed and they've got her good.
2. She's been bought.
3. She's running for a statewide office of some sort and has to polish her leftist cred.
The reality is clear: she's done a better job of representing downtown Seattle than she has her conservative, rural legislative district. And I assure you, her "service" Chihuahuas are more conservative than she is.
Something is up. At some point, we're all going to find out. But she has as much chance of remaining elected in this district as she does getting a sex change.
Of course, given her fringe left politics, anything is possible.
Locally, Rivers is politically DOA.
People vote their wallets. And, for whatever the reason, Rivers has been taking her jackhammer to ours.
First, she fibbed her way into office by pledging to oppose any gas tax or tab fee increase, which as the average reader now knows was a full on, bald face lie.
As a reminder, here's a screen capture from her campaign web site:
The result?
Thanks to Brent Boger, who recorded this (for the wrong reasons, to be sure) Rivers' lies are on video for all to see... no matter what she's running for in the future... and her political hari-kari is being done for much more than just her Senate seat... for which, any well-financed conservative can beat her like a rented mule and remove her from politics altogether.
But when you combine this betrayal with her most recent?
Every one of us who own or rent property are going to feel this one where it hurts the most. And Rivers will be the one most responsible for the sting.
Republican Sens. John Braun and Ann Rivers talk to the media Thursday about the agreement reached on an education funding plan in Olympia. Lawmakers say their budget compromise satisfies a state Supreme Court ruling that says the state must spend more money on schools.
Rachel La Corte The Associated Press
Regardless, it was Rivers who led the charge on screwing us so the WEA could become even MORE powerful with even MORE money... having been hired by the democrats at the time.
The result?
An additional $5.5 billion tossed into their kitty.
The result?
As I have been writing here for months, our property taxes are going to explode.
She lies about it, of course. What else CAN she do?
She told everyone at her dog and pony shows yesterday that NEXT year; our property taxes will go down.
Of course, both her sock puppet Sen. Lynda Wilson (D - Tracy) told the GOP PCO's that they were going down THIS year last Summer, but that doesn't seemed to have worked out, did it?
Yes, the state portion of the property tax is projected to go down next year.
But here's the minor detail:
They're projected to go down around 10%... of THIS year's INCREASE!
And the following year?
They're projected to go back UP, about 10% of this year's increase, putting us back to THIS year's property tax amount!
Watch and listen as Rivers and her parrot Wilson explain it all to the PCO's. They speak for themselves, but clearly, there is no lie these scum won't tell you.
They not only lied... they did it with a smile.
And now, sources tell me, Rivers claimed yesterday that she intends to drop a DACA bill of some sort that will support the illegal aliens in this state, even more than she already does!
Have we noticed, she supposedly said, how expensive apples are lately?
Well, unlike Rivers, I actually buy apples and guess what?
They cost the same this year as they have for the past several.
But Rivers claims that there's some sort of shortage of agricultural workers and that we NEED the DACA illegals to pick fruit.
We have more illegal aliens in this state... in this country... than we've EVER had.
So... how can there be a shortage of agricultural workers?
(Sometimes, it frightens me that an actual state senator could believe her constituents are such idiots.)
Maybe... just maybe... the illegals are taking OTHER jobs OUTSIDE of agriculture? Taking jobs they're not SUPPOSED to take?
Does this idiot actually believe that these illegals here under DACA are just pining away to work in the fields, and somehow, she can fulfill their dream legislatively?
Were the voters of the 18th District to become aware of her leftist leanings on illegal aliens, they'd dive into a vat of boiling hydrochloric acid before they'd vote for her.
Combine that with her flipping on the CRC/Loot Rail scam... a project that she bears the lion's share of responsibility for killing... and what possible motivation does she have for all of this?
There are only three possible reasons for this:
1. She's being blackmailed and they've got her good.
2. She's been bought.
3. She's running for a statewide office of some sort and has to polish her leftist cred.
The reality is clear: she's done a better job of representing downtown Seattle than she has her conservative, rural legislative district. And I assure you, her "service" Chihuahuas are more conservative than she is.
Something is up. At some point, we're all going to find out. But she has as much chance of remaining elected in this district as she does getting a sex change.
Of course, given her fringe left politics, anything is possible.
1 comment:
IF Rivers were really a conservative, she would have introduced a "Right to Work" bill to "solve" the education funding proposal. Currently, the unions have too much influence on the politics. Union supported politicians win elections with union dues supported donations, then those "paid for" pro-union politicians provide funds to the public workers involved, screwing the tax payers in the process. (This is what has totally ruined California ... and Washington isn't far behind...)
Aside from this bit of union/politician corruption, forced union membership is simply immoral. It forces a worker to join the union and pay dues in order to work. This violates the U.S. Constitution on several levels, though corrupt judges have made political-based rulings that "allow" the practice. But even Franklin Roosevelt understood that allowing public workers to form unions would be a disaster and it wasn't until the late 1960s that the practice gained widespread approval (by each state).
Today, only about 6.7% of private sector workers are in unions -- and few of those have had a recent vote -- many being unionized 50 to 80 (ore more) years ago -- in other words, todays workers are still slaves to union masters, when the union was recognized in a vote of workers who are long-since dead.
While I personally believe that no one should be forced to join a union -- at the very least, the membership should be able to influence the management of their unions. Once a union "shop" is certified (via the NLRB), it's very difficult to de-certify a union representation -- so unions have little incentive to ensure that they actually do what is best for their membership. Unions should go through a periodic process of re-certification. Perhaps at the end of every 3 or 4 year (typical) union contract -- or at a minimum every 5 years. The union can remain "certified" only if they receive a majority of votes (by secret/mail/computer) ballot of those covered by the union membership. Non-votes are coated as "no" votes.
In theory, unions are "democratic" ... but the reality is that there a typically numerous stumbling blocks that keep "elected" union leaders in office despite the desires of the working-level union members. (PS. I was once a forced union member...)
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