Saturday, February 10, 2018

Anger exploding at yet another Rivers betrayal, this time on property taxes... and with Wilson as well.

There aren't that many reasons why the GOP lost control of the State Senate.  The main one, I believe, is they managed to crush the GOP base who failed to turn out to vote because of this leftist, democrat-approved insanity the GOP-controlled senate voted for.

For several months, this blog (me, I guess) has been warning everyone that their property taxes were going to explode this calendar year.

That explosion has begun.

As a direct result of Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers' (D-Strategies 360) betrayal of her district and Clark County, we were hammered with the largest gas tax and tab fee increases in our state's history.

Well, guess what: she can add "the largest PROPERTY tax increases in our state's history" to her list of achievements as well.

Increases I've seen have ranged from $600 to $1400 per year.  My own has gone up just under $900.

No phasing in.  No gradual increase.  No, none of that.

Rivers and her puppet Wilson have dropped a 16 pound fiscal hammer on those who are ALREADY getting popped with city tax increases, county tax increases, fee increases, tolls and charges that are increasing FAR faster than wage increases for the vast majority; meaning that MOST of us are going to HAVE to make do on less money for our families while STATE GOVERNMENT has to muddle through with almost $50 BILLION for the biennial budget cycle.

NONE of this is necessary.  NONE of this is needed.  But Rivers, a former teacher, felt compelled to rape us for the WEA teacher's unions INSTEAD of FIGHTING the Supreme Court's idiotic McCreary decision which was completely arbitrary and without basis in either fact or law.

And what did we, the taxpayers, get for this?


Absolutely nothing.

Unless you're a part of the education machine.  THEN you made bank.

So, here's the thing: the then-GOP Senate, in their infinite wisdom (Which oddly enough lost control of the senate this past August when the GOP base stayed home in droves in a special election) decided to sell us out to the teacher's union.  So, they put Rivers in charge of that effort.

Rivers wrote them a $5.5 BILLION check, and now we're paying for it.

For nothing.

No teacher accountability.  No effort to measure improved effectiveness.  No demands for a reduced dropout rate.  In fact, there is zero language in the bill that is raping our checkbooks to measure anything... or REQUIRE anything.

We're spending that money and we have zero measurable way to see what... if any... impact it has.

That means... when NONE of this changes ANYTHING; except, of course, for the increased hole in our checkbooks resulting from her betrayal... (Which, by the way won't be the end of it.  It's NEVER enough money for the education plant, you see... Those GETTING our cash are STILL complaining to the Supreme Court, which has zero right, power or ability to make any of this happen... that they demand yet ANOTHER billion to get thrown into the pot... and that's just for now.) there's nothing we can do about it.

We can't get these wasted billions back.  It will be like they collected it... and then burned it.

By now, most of you have likely checked your property taxes at the county website. So, whatcha thinkin?

In the 18th District, if you'd like to express your opinion, Sen. Rivers (who negotiated this deal with the democrats while she was hired by a democrat campaign firm (Strategies 360)) would like to hear from you.

In the 17th District, Sen. Wilson, who was her willing accomplice, would also love to get your thoughts on this, along with Rep, Harris.  Rivers, Wilson and Harris are the only "Republicans" that voted for this insanity.  Ever fringe-left Sen. Annette Cleveland (D-49) voted "no."

Drop them a line. I'm sure Rivers will be just as charming to you as she is to anyone else (I've seen some of her responses) and she can't wait to hear from you!

Rivers in particular has been, forgive the expression, a "bitch" in her responses.  Her snarky, superior arrogance comes shining through.  Just be prepared.

Remember: this property tax explosion has been brought to you by those most eager to resurrect the CRC/Light Rail scam.

Just sayin'.

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