Monday, October 19, 2015

So, why isn't the Columbian pounding LaBrandt? Who gave him $200,000?

One of the many things to despise about the Columbian is the obvious double-standard that Lying Lefty Lou utilizes as his personal philosophy.

When they hate you, they hate you.  When you're a democrat, or carrying their water like Eric LaBrant, they are going to bury the truth.

Here's the truth.

Somebody has coughed up $200,000 for LaBrant.

Here's proof:

The number speaks for itself.

Somebody is doing everything for LaBrandt that the Columbian whines about when Madore spends his money.  The question is "who" is going to be spending that kind of cash on a fringe-left environmental nut job that doesn't give a damn about jobs or the hypocrisy of HIS use of petroleum products that he certainly hasn't sworn off.

How is it that when Madore spends his money, that's bad.  But when whoever tries to "buy" an election for someone the rag supports, they not only don't talk about it, or work so hard to identify who's behind it... they don't mention it at all.

Where's the outrage?  Wheres the demands, the attacks, the snarkiness, the whining, the sniveling?

No where.

What are the leftists saying about this fraud over on the C3G2 hate site?


And that's the crux of the matter and proof of the leftist double standard:

If this was Madore writing those kinds of checks, they'd be all over it.  So would that moron who wrote yesterday's editorial.  So would Lying Lefty Lou.

But when it's THEIR guy?

Not a peep.

The quintessential definition of hypocrisy, embodied by the daily democrat.

There's no excuse for that.  No explanation.  No way to attack Madore for doing what he's doing while remaining deliberately silent when one of their own does the same.

The chirp of the crickets will be deafening.


Unknown said...

Looks like some enviro nut put in some money to reduce jobs and make energy more expensive.
Tom Steyer? Soros? Sierra Klub?
Here is a video of one the the anti-oil movement's leaders. What kind of a fool would follow this idiot?

K.J. Hinton said...

The cricket-chirp increases in volume... the rag knows and remains silent.

Lying scum, the lot of them.