Monday, May 18, 2015

Today's Ramadi sitrep: here's why I talked my son out of enlisting into the Marines

Ramadi, Iraq.  Now a wholly owned ISIS subsidiary.

I've seen estimates of 1300 or so Americans killed and thousands wounded to take the joint.

Today, I see pictures of ISIS using hundreds of millions of dollars of American built equipment and weapons to just drive in and take it away from the Iraqi Army... who scattered and ran.

See, here's the thing: when Sadam ran the joint, and we went in and beat their asses, what and how did the Iraqi Army, including the vaunted "Republican Guard," react?

They typically ran.  They typically scattered.

Nationalism has never been a big issue in the muslim world: American nationalism has led to wars around the world.

We fight to protect our country.

The muslim world has no real sense of country.  Borders are a relatively recent occurrence in their time frame.

The arab concept of ownership differs from ours.  It's been that way for a millennia.

So, we go in their as we've typically done for the past hundred years, and we super-impose how we do things because we believe that we're doing it right and everyone else is doing it wrong.


These people have practice internecine warfare for centuries.  Family feuds go back a thousand years.  Religious strife (Oh, they're almost all muslim, but there's a Heinz element to it, 57 different varieties and if you're the wrong kind, they hate you and want to kill you as much as they do Christians or Jews) they have no concept of democracy or will of the people (Frequently, it's more difficult to tell them apart from local democrats in that regard, since they care nothing for the will of the people, either) is the soup de jour.

To conclude anything but Obama's efforts have been an abysmal failure at every level generally and in the Middle East in particular is to need psychiatric help.

No one has done more to arm, equip, strengthen and enable ISIS than the President of the United States.

Is it any wonder most of the Arab world's leaders blew him off a few days ago on his arab summit?

The man is a lying coward.

And I will not have my children serve under the command of a lying coward.

Around 1300 dead.  Thousands more scarred for life, internally and externally.

For what?

I was particularly thankful that I worked long and hard to keep my son out of that.  And that's the kind of thing that's bound to happen when you have a president who despises the military.

If you are a parent and your children are reaching the age where they're looking to serve, be careful.

First, know this: we ARE going to have to go back.  We SHOULD have gone back a year ago.  But we ARE going to have to engage in combat that's going to make the last ten years look like a relative fender-bender.

Second, the President of the United States does not give a damn about us.  And by "us," I mean those who have served and those who are serving.

And that's the thing, you see.  The scumbag in the White House made all these promises concerning fixing the obviously broken Veteran's Affairs system.

Of course, nothing has been materially changed since the slimeball-in-chief has conned his way into both election and re-election.  In fact, the Veteran's Administration has grown geometrically worse under his control.

The military has been gutted by this clown and our strategic capability dwindles by the day.

One of the reasons ISIS has done so well is because they have zero fear of this clown.

Can you imagine what we'd be doing if Reagan were calling the shots?

What did Qaddafi do?

And that's the thing: anything else about Obama aside, he simply doesn't give a damn about the military.  He views it as his own, personal, test tube, to screw with as he wants... because he knows that no one he knows or cares about will EVER wear a uniform.

And that makes it easy.

Too easy.

Keep your kids out of the military until we get a Commander-in-Chief in that gives a rip.

Gives a damn about the warriors, gives a damn about the military... and gives a damn about this country.

Unfortunately, we don't seem to have that just now.

Meanwhile, ISIS has become one of the most heavily armed, well-financed fighting organizations on Earth, thanks to the clueless moron in the White House.

And when we finally get off our collective ass and get it out of dead low gear, much of the blood... American blood... they spill... will be as a direct result.

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