Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When does Obama's debt become "unpatriotic?"

PAPER: Obama spent more for dinner in Hawaii than his tax credit for families...
Tax Hike on College Savings Plans Breaks Pledge...
Worst record on promises kept since Gerald Ford...
Full list/montage...
Biden pitches 'free' stuff...
$7.5 Trillion in Debt Added Since O...

You all remember this, don't you?


Well, Obama's debt has now reached $18.1 trillion dollars ... "and we're going to have to pay that back."

Odd, isn't it?

Obama has put us into more debt.... "by his lonesome..." then all of the presidents this Nation has ever had.

So... when does Obama's debt become "unpatriotic?"  And when is Congress, now controlled by his willing partners in the GOP who HELPED him generate that debt by lacking sufficient testicles between them to stop him.... going to do something about it?


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