Tuesday, July 23, 2013

When they have to lie to get it passed: The democrat's commission expansion effort.

Local Lying Leftists are still in hissy-fit mode and have started their all-to-usual "lie to get it scam" in support of their most recent idiocy: trying to pack the county commission with fellow leftists.

Unfortunately, they have already violated the same rules with THIS scam that they violated with their bogus CRC Scam: they're lying to make it happen.

The lie from ClarkBackward:
A nonpartisan group led by Auditor Greg Kimsey, a Republican, and Commissioner Steve Stuart, a Democrat, has said expansion of the board is the way to go. Both elected officials have said the goal is to have five commissioners, while lowering individual commissioner salaries in an effort to keep the cost the same to taxpayers.
Lie One: That 5 commissioners would cost the same as three, even if their salary is "lowered."

There's a great deal more than "salary."  There's also benefits, retirement, travel costs and the like: five would cost more than three.

There's the logistics involved: Office space,  staffing, computers and other IT expenses.

The FACT is that any reduction, no matter how small, would only be temporary.  In short, it's more of the "bright, shiny object" lies the left so loves as they screw the people.

Lie Two: that it's "nonpartisan."

There is no doubt that this is partisanship.  That Greg Kimsey supports this makes it as bi-partisan as the state senate... and when was the last time the slime at the Lazy C referred to the state senate as "bi-partisan?"

Kimsey is either being used politically and he doesn't recognize it, or he believes he can use them to become the "County Executive," a position the downtown mafia would love to have him fill since there's no difference between Kimsey and Steve Stuart, who is winding up his last term on the commission... before he's "Boldted," and for the exact same reasons.

That's a political problem Kimsey has as well: being for the CRC Scam as Greg obviously is certainly won't help him county-wide in any election.

Or anyone else running for a county office.
  John Burke · Top Commenter
... the goal is to have five commissioners, while lowering individual commissioner         ... salaries in an effort to keep the cost the same to taxpayers.
The commission expansion will be permanent. The salary reduction for individual commissioners will be only temporary.
Hence the enthusiasm of local pols for the commission expansion concept: More jobs for the politically ambitious now...with better salaries to await a time when a majority of the electorate is not so vigilant and/or more credulous.

From the democrat 18th Leg Chair, figurehead behind this leftist coup attempt:

  • Candy Bonneville · Top Commenter

    If you want to make sure we get an option on the ballot in November to increase the commissioner board from 3 to 5, please contact us. Come down and sign a petition, or pick some up to circulate yourself. Each page of the petition has room for 20 signatures - getting signatures goes pretty fast when you explain that the number of commissions has never increased from it's original setup and that we now have over 400,000 people in the county. Moving from 3 to 5 ensures that we continue to have good responsible diversified representation, and we're less likely to have situations like we had with the Benton appointment.
There is absolutely no doubt:this has nothing to do with what's best for Clark County: this is entirely about what's best for the democrats.

They make bizarre claims "Diversified representation?"  Would these scum be uttering a peep if their were three leftists on the commission?  And what will they do when the two new seats are filled with anti-CRC Scammer Republicans?  Demand eleven seats?

They lost.  They simply can not believe it or accept it: there's no lie, exaggeration or misrepresentation available they won't use to get what they want; not unlike, come to think of it, they tried with the CRC Scam,

  • John Burke · Top Commenter
    Ms. Bonneville writes: "Moving from 3 to 5 ensures that we continue to have good responsible diversified representation, and we're less likely to have situations like we had with the Benton appointment."

    And if a 5 member commission _retains_ a conservative/tea-party Republican majority -- one that is still OK with things like the Benton hire (which, BTW, was a perfectly legal exercise of the CCC majority's discretion) -- will you _still_ regard such an expanded commission as representing "good responsible diversified representation"? Or is such a determination conditional on obtaining the political _outcome_ you might desire (i.e., a resumption of majority control by Democrats and/or RINO Republicans)?

They can't recall the conservatives: so they believe they can weaken them.  Political incompetence at its finest.

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