Monday, July 01, 2013

The liars scamming the CRC continue to lie.

Showing that they learned absolutely nothing over their horrific defeat and continue their blind idiocy to an idea that should have been killed at birth.

Jim "Molehill" Moeller (Communist-49) leads the parade with this stupidity (after yesterday'swith this sewage:
"It looks like it's back to square one," state Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, said Monday. He listed off a host of hoops the project had jumped through — from selecting a locally preferred alternative to getting a federal record of decision — that will have to be done all over again. Oregon and Washington have spent roughly two decades discussing a plan to replace the I-5 Bridge, and $170 million was spent on planning the CRC project."
Because Moeller is something of a fringe-left simpering idiot, he continues to fail to realize what THE most important "hoop" this project had to jump through actually was: the people.

Moeller, of course, has proven that he doesn't give a damn about the people: his moronic "what is, what isn't "candy tax that was destroyed at the polls combined with his suit against his own constituents to game them on the legislative tax increase vote requirements has engraved that in stone.

Not only did this project NOT "jump through" the hoops... but the people were never allowed to have any say.  Ever.

Lessons learned

Moeller said he's learned two important lessons so far from the project's failure. Those planning a new bridge should try to engage the middle-of-the road, everyday citizen about the project, rather than its most active opponents and supporters, he said. He also said the new project should be "less utilitarian and more iconic … something that people can get behind and want to leave to their kids and their grandkids."
As I stated, none of the lying scum shilling this blivit have learned anything... Molehill, most of all.

Molehill apparently has forgotten the memo that laid out the plan to minimize/ignore ANY public input.  He's so completely  delusional that he acts like this crap pile lost a public vote:
Those planning a new bridge should try to engage the middle-of-the road, everyday citizen about the project,"
You mean like the "middle of the road, everyday citizens" who voted overwhelmingly for anti-CRC champion Commissioners Madore and Mielke?  THOSE citizens?

The CRC had TWELVE "no" votes out of the 15 legislators representing Clark County.

Twelve out of 15 legislators, including democrat Rep. Monica Stonier (D-17) and this slimy worm thinks that the "middle of the road" citizens weren't engaged?

Moeller had consistently been one of the leading opponents of a vote.  And NOW he wants to "engage" the people?

Also, "there needs to be a much shorter process," Moeller said, adding that it's hard to maintain momentum on a project when the people who started the initial discussions on the CRC are long gone. "The institutional memory of why we did what we did is gone."
Ten years or 10 days, this was a terrible project, designed to saddle the people of this county with tolls lasting generations, hurting the families and small business depending on that disposable income the most.  And, of course, the most important institutional was discovered with the Oregon Supreme Court decision that laid out how this scam took place ENTIRELY to get the fungus of loot rail into Clark County.
The project's blunder over the height of the new bridge also struck a critical blow to CRC supporters.
"I think the biggest surprise was that the bridge was designed too low. Everybody seemed to be caught off guard by the aspect that the Coast Guard was going to weigh in," Moeller said. "It was a constant black eye that supporters had."
It was the kind of incompetence that's marked Molehill's tenure from the beginning.  And it hasn't changed, since the Coast Guard will never provide a permit for a bridge this low.

It will remain a black eye forever.

The next moron is Sen. Prissy "We've got 25 votes" Cleveland.
 State Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, said opponents of the CRC were quick to criticize but less willing to offer a clear solution.
This goes to prove that even state senators can be lying, scum-sucking maggots.

There were a NUMBER of solutions rejected out of hand, because, of course, they didn't include the only acceptable option of scamming loot rail into Vancouver.

Clear solutions:

1.  Additional bridge(s)

2.  No light rail.

3.   The CSA.

Why would this baboon lie about that?  Who knows?  But then, there were even MORE lies from this skank.
"Frankly, the opposition has said all along that they have a better solution, so I'm really anxious to see what that plan looks like," Cleveland said. "We have to look at what we can agree on. … This isn't a decision Washington can make solely on its own."
Any one of the alternative plans was superior to this abortion.  And this simple idiot has been told about them all.

So, she's "anxious to see" what she's already seen.

She babbles "we have to look at what we can agree on," apparently willing to sell us all out based on whatever Oregon demands, as if we're incapable of telling them to drop dead.  She would screw us with a terrible project because she claims we can't do better.

Pure bullshit, of course: Cleveland was part of that pro-loot rail cabal that doesn't give a shit what we want.

If Oregon doesn't like what we offer, then fine: we won't do anything.

It's disturbing that these two idiots are far more concerned about doing SOMETHING, even when it's arguably, provably the WRONG thing, just because Oregon cracks a whip.

It's frightening that either of these two thugs were ever elected dog catcher.  They shouldn't be in any position of responsibility: lying makes a terrible campaign platform plank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clear solutions:
#4 More jobs in SW WA