Wednesday, July 03, 2013

The fringe-leftist's effort to take over the county commission: Clark County Citizens for Democrat control

Looks like the left still have their panties in a bunch, as they're putting together a fake non-partisan outfit to support the democrats "ClarkBackwards" effort.

Called "Clark County Citizens for Good Governance," clearly the only acceptable governance to these people is of the fringe-left variety.

Ron Goodman is running the facebook page, primarily populated by every fringe-left whack job in the county.  here's a snippet of their comments on the democrat efforts to take over county government from the GOP majority.

You can tell by the leftist slime attracted to this effort, including the fake Republicans in ClarkBackward.

Stephen Johnson  Does anyone else agree with me that we should keep clark county's population below 440,000 people.......I remember when it was 97,000 people. After all more people means you have to pay more out of pocket expenses. I believe this is a worthy government goal.........keeping sprawl down and finances in check. 
Stephen Johnson @ George....I comprehend and thank you for writing out the above first paragraph.......this seems to me "waving the fees" is an irresponsible financial approachin hurrying up "the pave over" of clark county. I think as residents we should try to keep our rural areas rural.........concrete and 7-11's are what is positioned between camas and 164th AVE. now.......That is not a vision we should embrace for the rest of the county ....but by waving the fees....the continued californiacation will continue to grow say out to battleground, Ridgefield , amboy, Yacolt, la center.........people live here for the openness not for the 4 story high apartment buildings or 5,000 sq. foot lots. Clark County has a population of 432,000 people don't you think that is enough?? As for your second paragraph about veterans.....the veterans I work with have swallowed the gop Kool-Aid....and in a cantor, McConnell, ryan nutshell say" you are on your own".......very short sighted!!!Monday at 5:55am · 2

Jim Rourk some of my best friends USED TO BE republicans June 29 at 2:26pm · 1

Jim Rourk Mielke's analysis is really poor and needs to be corrected, it is not the fact that Democrats where in the majority, the facts are, the majority followed the rules and had the best interest of the majority in mind, not enriching already rich and enriching themselves at the cost of the people.June 29 at 4:17pm

Jim Rourk and I have seen Mielke's fangs, not pretty June 29 at 4:17pm

George Vartanian Now, now, be nice.  June 29 at 4:26pm 

Jim Rourk actually, that is being nice June 29 at 4:27pm

Stephen Johnson what is good about republicans??? Sunday at 7:23am 

Esther Schrader Not much, any more. Sunday at 8:39am · 1

Stephen Johnson unfortunately for the 'real people and working class" todays republicans are bid on by ALEC and korporate amerika successfully whose goal is to rid 'the real people and working class" of the post WW2 gains in education, labor, financial, personal freedoms, environment, ecology, anti-trust, our constitutional rights, redistributing the wealth upwards.....because of these republican personalities America had become a worlds laughing stock.....thanks to our previous republican president.......and our present day republican house of represenatives......and two county republican commissioners. NOPE....I do not find any good in today's republican.....just pure evil.Sunday at 11:01am

Stephen Johnson and that is just what the gop wants you to do......don't question them.....nod and vote in agreement........and feel the a/effects of the "tinkle down" economics as Jim Hightower would say. I do agree with you dog democrats are chameleons who should be thrown out of the democrat party. Is our country better off financially now than in say 1999?? NO!! Sunday at 11:13am
These aere the kind of scum drawn to this coup attempt.

There are other left wing whackers trying to help leftist slime take over because they lost... on the election AND the CRC Scam...  and they trying this tact, put out there by neo-communist Mike Briggs on their page:
Mike Briggs 
For all of you who follow what I have to say (and no one in their right mind is - edit)-- read the information below very carefully. I believe this is probably the single most important thing any voter in Clark County can do to really affect our lives here. And it only takes your signature.
The only requirements-- you must be a registered voter and you must reside in Clark County Washington.  
This petition, if enough VALID signatures are collected by early August (we are shooting for 20,000 and already have many), MUST be put on the November ballot. It is completely separate from the Freeholder election that will also be taking place. I believe this to be the best most sure-fire way to address the present Madore takeover plan. It is designed NOT to increase the amount of money for the Commissioners in total. Thus, three commissioners pay and benefits will now fit-- five. 
By going from our present three Clark County Commissioners to five it will dramatically affect how a majority vote can take place. Now, it just takes two Commissioners, Madore and Mielke, to decide on an issue and make it a reality. With five commissioners it would take three. 
Our present form of County government has not changed since its inception in 1889. And because of this fact...Mr. Madore has successfully and in essence taken control of Clark County. If you are completely fed up with this kind of behavior-- this is one way you can really affect this thing. 
This is 100% a bipartisan venture. And if you do not quite believe this I would suggest you ask Greg Kimsey, Greg Owens, Brent Boger, and a host of other, outstanding and well known, moderate Republican citizens of Clark County.  
See me, my wife Jan, or nearly anyone connected with Clark First, Clark Forward, C3G2, Rebel Alliance, Clark County Democratic Party, Dem. 18th LD group, or a host of any other such democratic orgs. There will be plenty of places to sign. 
"In accordance with the Revised Code of Washington 36.32.055(2) we, the undersigned registered voters, representing at least ten percent of voters at the last county general election, are authorizing our Board of Commissioners to place a ballot election proposition before the voters to increase Clark County Commissioners membership from three to five." · 4  hours agoSeen by 26 people like this.
Stephen Johnson what appens if you get more 'david madores'?????4 hours ago · 1Mike Briggs What happens if we get Adolf Hitler? Do you like what/who we have now? Five is certainly better than three...
4 hours ago via  · 2Jim Rourk would there be a difference?
4 hours agoEsther Schrader If you can get me an official copy, I'm sure I can collect many legitimate signatures for you.
59 minutes agoRich Rogers Clark County is way too big to allow a board of three members. Fear of who might or might not get elected has nothing to do with this. I couldn't find any other counties in the US the same size as Clark with a structure of three at the top - this 120 year old structure has got to go - I don't care who the current commissioners are - this needs to get fixed.

The lies are obvious: first this crap:
This is 100% a bipartisan venture. And if you do not quite believe this I would suggest you ask Greg Kimsey, Greg Owens, Brent Boger, and a host of other, outstanding and well known, moderate Republican citizens of Clark County. 
Greg Owens is a whiny buffoon democrat, Greg Kimsey has sold his soul to the pro-CRC Scammers and anyone else supporting this is a democrat.

How do I know?

What Republican organization is listed here?
See me, my wife Jan, or nearly anyone connected with Clark First, Clark Forward, C3G2, Rebel Alliance, Clark County Democratic Party, Dem. 18th LD group, or a host of any other such democratic orgs. There will be plenty of places to sign. 

And the idea that David Madore has "taken over Clark County?"  That's even more insane than Briggs usual garbage.

So, the same delusion that drove Briggs to support the largest rip off in the history of the Northwest United States has enabled him to flat out lie about this being a bipartisan gesture.

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