This is Peter Van Nortwick's reaction:
Kelly, There is a good reason why I am not part of ClarkForward. I agree it looks like a coup. That being said I don't like the divide and conquer mentality of appointed officials. It is these same appointed officials that have brought me a labor contract that I have refused to sign and have fought every step of the way. I am on record publically[sic]opposing the labor contract and how elected officials were cut out of the process. In my book that should be a serious offense, but the appointed bureacracy[sic] goes on paying no price. I have been told numerous times there is nothingnI[sic] can do about it. I want an elected person in the position over the bureacracy[sic] that will set the tone and take on the fight. If cutting union positions, taking on the unions in court, delivering on time and returning $632,990 and actually cutting the expenses $598,000 isn't conservative enough, I guess I don't know what is. If you expect me to refuse to go speak to a group when asked by a fellow elected official about something I believe, not going to happen. I am pretty clear why the Columbian is trying to act like I am divided from the Commissioners, but I am not sure why you are trying to do the same thing.You already have "an elected person in the position over the bureacracy[sic] that will set the tone and take on the fight." In fact, you have 3 of them.
They're called "commissioners."
This is the article I utilized that resulted in my conclusion:
Assessor backs county executive model
Van Nortwick speaks to group about effort to create home rule charter
Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey, center, is accompanied by Assessor Peter Van Nortwick and Commissioner Steve Stuart on Wednesday to discuss the county charter process at a lunch event.Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Clark County Assessor Peter Van Nortwick stood beside Auditor Greg Kimsey and Commissioner Steve Stuart Wednesday afternoon at the Hazel Dell/Salmon Creek Business Association to discuss a potential home rule charter in Clark County.
Van Nortwick, a Republican, says he agrees with much of the charter framework that Kimsey, a Republican, and Stuart, a Democrat, are pitching to voters through the political action committee Team ClarkForward. But he's not joining up with the political action committee to stump for the cause.
"That is Steve Stuart and Greg Kimsey," Van Nortwick said after the meeting. "I support a county executive model. I support that form of government, but I don't want to be the one driving it. The bottom line is the people need to decide."
Home rule allows voters to change local government in the manner they see fit, as long as it falls within the laws of the state and abides by the U.S. Constitution.
The commissioners have approved undertaking the process, and authorized the November election of 15 nonpartisan freeholder positions. The freeholders will then draft a proposed county charter, and return it to voters for final approval.
Team ClarkForward, which Kimsey and Stuart formed, is pitching for a new county government modeled heavily after the one implemented in Snohomish County in 1980.
One key change championed by the group includes the election of a county executive in an effort to separate the executive and legislative powers currently held by the board of commissioners.
That's the part of the plan Van Nortwick particularly likes, and on Wednesday he told the group of 40 in attendance that he agreed with that method of governing.
"An elected executive is vital moving forward," Van Nortwick said. "Appointed positions have a lot of power. That power should rest with the people."
Van Nortwick's other message to the group was that the county taxing system is not up for change in the coming charter discussion.
"We still have the 1 percent rule (on property tax increases authorized by county commissioners)," Van Nortwick said. "That remains in effect."
Van Nortwick said he is happy to speak to any group that requests his presence, as Kimsey and Stuart did. He joined the bipartisan duo once before for an informational event, and he spoke to fellow Republicans at a charter-related information event hosted by the local chapter of the Republican Party.
Still, his view on the county executive puts him firmly in one camp on the matter as commissioners David Madore and Tom Mielke, both Republicans, have made it clear they believe the county executive approach puts too much power in the hands of one individual.
Kimsey responded to that claim Wednesday, saying the move should instead be viewed as a way to create "checks and balances" within local government by separating the powers currently enjoyed by a commissioner board of three.More:
So what, exactly, is the value of failing to formally join an organization when you're walking, talking and acting like one of their ducks?
Here's the thing, Peter: you're not joining because you don't want to be caught in their splatter. You want what they want. You did this presser to get the dubious political benefits of being one of them, without being one of them... too clever by half.
You ask "If you expect me to refuse to go speak to a group when asked by a fellow elected official about something I believe, not going to happen." When the purpose of that meeting is more of TeamBackward's political pandering, then yes, I DO expect you to decline.
None of this was about your job or the philosophy you bring to your job. These slime want you now, precisely like they wanted Boldt. They used him, and when they got him defeated, they tossed him aside, precisely like they will you.
You talk about reducing union positions and saving, relatively speaking, a few bucks. If Kimsey is elected to anything but dog catcher and Stuart stays on the commission that will all be chump change compared to their efforts to jack up our taxes.
Like I said: you're either being used and you don't recognize it, or your' being used and you do.
Either way, your alliance with these leftists makes you non-supportable, the battles I've fought for you in the past notwithstanding.
See, none of these clowns were babbling about a "county executive" until the democrats lost control over the commission. Then, suddenly, the thing they were laughing at... a home rule charter...the thing they were using to belittle it's supporters... becomes their only hope in retaking control of the commission...
UNTIL they... and you... see some sort of political advantage in taking this approach.
You people would poison the well in your efforts to overturn an election, just like the despicable rag has done in their ongoing democrat campaign of character assassination, libel and lies.... the kind of thing that you've been on the receiving end of... and you fail to realize (or ignore), even though cursory examination of those who support your position are leftists, the downtown mafia/CRUDEC/Chamber of Horror types that supported the CRC AND Marc Boldt's efforts to bend us over on that project.
This isn't about "what's best" for this county. This is about "what's best" for Peter Van Nortwick. "What's best" for Greg Kimsey and Steve Stuart.
Anyone looking at those supporting your effort would see the obvious history of those people: who've they've supported in the past and who they support now... and which end of the political spectrum you inhabit.
I made the call yesterday, and I've seen nothing to make me change it.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm rather impressed by Peter's successes at the Assessor's Office. Personally, I feel that the Public Employee unions are the PRIMARY PROBLEM with government, and only Republicans can take them on (i.e. my failures as a Dem to get elected to anything).
That said, Peter, walk away from ClarkForward. You're not in Stewart's league.
I have supported a County Executive for years. While the Columbian doesn't report this, i even talked about different ways to get there. It can be the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners or a County Executive. I don't care. I just want the person that the department heads report to be elected by the people. I have talked to Tom about changing the role of the Chair, which also would require a new chair. Stuart and I have had epic battle in Commissioners meetings and in the halls. Right now, I am thinking that we might need to have Tom and David to call back the Freeholders because in the Constitution, it states that upon acceptance of the Charter all elected positions are terminated and new elections need to be held with in 6 months. That would be a disaster brought on by the Commissioners themselves. We are seeking clarification to determine if we might have to run twice. Once in 2014 and again in 2015.
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