Sunday, July 14, 2013

John Laird: The democratian's Number Two coward (He ain't gone yet?)

There are two locations here locally where the smell of manure can, occasionally, become overpowering:

The farm just south of the Brush Prairie cut off... and the Columbian.

John Laird adds to that aroma geometrically.

This is the ass-clown who has spent, literally, years attacking those who ultimately defeated him and his ilk, the special interests of the downtown mafia.

Second only to that slimebag Brancaccio, the Pit Yorkie set new records in pettiness and libel, going so far as to, like Hitler, refer to those who opposed him as cockroaches, BANANA's and the like.

His steadfast support of this rip off, not unlike the steadfast support of Der Fuhrer, can be admirable on the part of some.  But in the end, that set of blinders led to disaster, because the attempts to assassinate Hitler failed.

Fortunately for us, the attempts to assassinate the CRC ultimately succeeded, and like Hitler's body in the courtyard, it's ultimately gone up in flames.

Also fortunately for us, John Laird's career as a "journalist" went up with it.

Laird joins Brancaccio in overt cowardice in their failure to address the CRC debacle, and he cannot leave this community fast enough.

Like Tommy The K Koenninger, he won't be missed.  The rag, however, will no doubt glorify his idiocy during some sort of victory lap.  The left will say all these wonderful things about their sock-puppet, who remains one of the major facilitators of the fraud known as the CRC, and one of those lying scum who CLAIMS a lack of bias, but who writes like the left is paying him.... not unlike this despicable rag's past editorial page editor and current Clark County Democrat Chair, Mike Heywood.

And it will take years for his aroma to go with him.

1 comment:

Jack said...

"THe Smell of Laird has not yet left the building"