Wednesday, July 10, 2013

CRC alternatives to be discussed, CRC Scammers throw a fit.

Unable to let go of their 4th Reich Plan, aka the CRC, a bizarrely-too-expensive rip off that the dictators tried to (and ultimately failed to) ram down our throats without asking us, the CRC Scammers are trotting out the same, now thoroughly-disproven crap they were running all along in response to even an effort to discuss the numerous alternatives that the CRC Scam never considered in their hurry to screw us over loot rail.

I, personally, don't believe the discussion in question will be all that useful; most possible permutations of additional bridges have pretty much been examined and are already out there.  The group putting this on has no real standing; as far as I know, no experts have been brought in to talk about the obstacles to making any particular plan happen, if any other plan ever does.

But that's neither here nor there.  The scum shilling the CRC?  They remind me of Confederate soldiers at the end of the Civil War talking about "Those Yankees."

Here's some of the bigger idiots commenting on this meeting:

Ed Rutledge, who pastes the same crap over and over, (Like it makes any difference or means anything) leads the parade, he's one among the many leftists who believe we should be grateful that Oregon wants to rape us and that he and his fellow CRC Scammers want to help them hold us down while they do it.

  • Ed Ruttledge · Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington
    Focused on stopping light rail, tolls and additional taxes, the Clark County Republicans/GOP ran a very successful campaign to kill the CRC. Beyond blaming those who had differing opinions about light rail and paying-as-you-go (as opposed to sending the bill to future generations) , those who have been gloating over their victory now have a responsibility to clarify next steps. The Clark County/GOP now must:
    • Stop snarking with each other on the floor of the State Senate.
    • Decide amongst themselves if they want a new bridge or not.
    • Clearly communicate their decision.

    If they want to replace the 1917/1958 I-5 bridge, then they must:
    • Come up with a design they support.
    • Develop a plan/design which will negate any need for tolls and additional taxes at any time now and forever.
    • Get the support of the Feds for the plan/design.
    • Get the support of State of Oregon for the plan/design.
    • Get the support of the Multnomah County for the plan/design.
    • Get the support of the City of Portland for the plan/design.
    • Get the support of Metro for the plan/design.
    • Get the support of the State of Washington for the plan/design.
    • Get funding identified for the plan/design.
    • Present the fully supported plan/design to Clark County citizens for review, consideration and, of course, a full referendum vote, for approval.

    In addition, many of us would like to know where Madore's "third bridge" would go:
    • Across on 192nd to Gresham? Has Madore asked what the folks in Greasham what they think about that?
    • Over Sauvie Island to US 30? Has Madore asked what the folks on Sauvie Island what they think about that?
    • Across to St. Johns - a peninsula with already limited access?
    • Somewhere else?

    The third bridge proponents need to reveal a plan to which they will agree - one which will garner support from the southern terminus of the "third bridge" (see above). Then, as noted above, they need to present their plan to the citizens of Clark County for review, consideration and, of course, a referendum vote, for approval.
Here's another fringe left genius:

  • Michael R. Newton · Top Commenter · Portland, Oregon
    I've been living in uptown Portland for long time and watching Clark County citizens very closely. If you bring up any new bridge over the Columbia River, I will still say NO forever! I do not want a beltway like in Washington, DC. NO WAY! Two automobile bridges over the Columbia River in Portland metro area is good enough. Only approve public transit bridge without cars and trucks by the liberal will of people in Multnomah County.
Followed by this manifesto from the same moron: Sort of a leftist al Qaida type, it would seem.
 Then this garbage as they can't get off their lying talking points:
And then this idiocy from hard-corps fringe-leftist whack job Rory Bowman:

  • Rory Bowman · Top Commenter · Reed
    I'm tempted to come up with a drinking game or perhaps cards for "bozo bingo." Each square would feature a tired catch-phrase such as "no tolls," "third bridge," "loot rail," etcetera. I absolutely loathed many parts of the CRC but its most vocal opponents have no idea how much damage they have done to the region and their own reputations for many years to come. As I've said before, their third bridge has already been built, and it opened in 1982. May they make the most of it, because they are not getting another.
We had a drinking game for the lying Scammers that featured one of their many lies, such as "reduce congestion," or "freight mobility" or "we'll all die in an earthquake."

The problem?

We wore it out 8 years ago.

And the fringe-leftist who would allow our county to be raped, pillaged and burned by the neo-communist social-engineers don't get it:

It's not a matter of what Oregon will or will not accept:  it's a matter of what we, who are the one's designated to pay for this stuff, will tolerate.

And if Oregon doesn't like it?

Then we'll build nothing at all.

I'm fine with that... how about you?

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