Saturday, June 22, 2013

Perhaps Lou doesn't need more medication... but different drugs than what he's been on?

There's no denying that Lou Brancaccio hates all conservatives generally and our conservative county commissioners specifically.

I suppose he'll always sting for failing to keep fellow democrat Marc Boldt in office, but Brancaccio will never fathom the role he played in supporting Marc's ultimate political demise.

So, here's my suggestion, Lou: instead of your failing anti-psychotics, perhaps you might switch over to something to address your OCD?

Your incessant yammer about the conservatives on the commission to the exclusion of all else: the corruption at the federal level, Obama's multiple and chronic violations of our Constitutional rights, our ever-increasing debt, our failures at the state and national level... none of that worms its way into Lou's consciousness when he's got a hate on.

Commissioners Mielke and Madore are still commissioners.  They are likely going to remain commissioners as long as they want to be, because here's the thing: no one who supports that rip off of a CRC Scam is likely to remain in office... or assume office... county wide.

Brancaccio also lets his fringe-leftist bias show by referring to  Temple Lentz as "conservative crusher."  That's like Lou calling himself "unbiased."

I outed her a year and a half before our resident dullard, Brancaccio, figured out who she was.

Temple's advice to Lou... that he go "fuck himself," is something that, in one form or another, tens of thousands have shared as a sentiment for our erstwhile editor.

But the fact is, in order to earn a name like that, one has to accomplish that particular goal.

And one has to wonder: what conservative has been "crushed" by Lentz?

Who has been deterred?  What course has she changed?  What is her blog except a Rule Five suppository?

No, Lou, the fact is that your obsession over your massive political defeat, both in the past... and in the future (how's that CRC Scam looking?) isn't going to be changed by your obsessive behavior over the commissioners.  There's a reason that your paper only has around 22,000 subscriptions in a county of 440,000 people... why our population continues to grow while your subscription base continues to shrink.

Because Lou's thought processes are walled in by his bias, he only hears from those of his ilk.  But there is a solid core of voters who have no regrets and who absolutely support what those we elected are doing... given that we elected them to do it.

That Kimsey and Stuart are political allies is not surprising:  They're both, for all intents and purposes, democrats; Kimsey's "Republican" label being more one of convenience than of reality.

Greg is not like to be elected to much of anything any more: like The Liar, he's now cursed with a political allegiance that is likely to weigh around his neck like an anchor.  Starting the campaign for him, now?

Likely to have the same impact as it did for Boldt.  And how'd that work out for you?

1 comment:

Jack said...

Lou loves making a Public Ass of himself.