Sunday, June 23, 2013

Paul Montague, Identity Vancouver and CRC Pimp, blows a fuse.

One of the slimier members of the downtown mafia is Paul Montague, one of the very worst liars I have ever, personally heard.

Montague is on a jihad to ram the CRC Scam down our throats, to the point where he has illegally lobbied the legislature to pass this dog turd (By illegally, I mean he's totally violated the requirements of lobbying, such as failing to register as a lobbyist.)

He's weak, and his inability to tell the truth about this rip off is what causes this clown to ooze every time he babbles about this now dead project.
Today's lie-fest in the democratian was no exception.

Montague, who seems to live in an alternative universe, doesn't give a rat's ass how much damage he cause this community.  The result?  This garbage the democratian cheerfully printed in a last, desperate4 attempt to get his pet scam passed, so he doesn't wind up looking like a total idiot... except for one thing:

Too late.

Sen. King has ferreted out the lies of Montague and his ilk, so he is providing yeoman's service to that most important to him, least important to Montague element known as The People.

Montague's dismay is proper for him, since his years of lies will now be rendered moot.  But Sen. King is making the right call.
Instead of presenting a joint objective in Olympia, most members of the 17th and 18th Legislative districts, led by Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, and Sen. Don Benton, R, vancouver[sic], have been lobbying to kill the Columbia River Crossing.
Except, as elected members of the Senate, they're not "lobbying."

Unlike you.
Unfortunately, Rivers' and Benton's strong advocacy against the Columbia River Crossing has earned them the title of "Bridge Killers." And the lack of united Clark County representation in Olympia has come home to roost with Sen. King's proposed transportation revenue package. Where a prior proposed transportation revenue package from House Transportation Committee Chair Judy Clibborn, D-Mercer Island, included $450 million for the Columbia River Crossing, King's package includes little funding at all for Clark County.
There's nothing "unfortunate" about the fact that Benton and Rivers have killed this rip off.
On the contrary, they are doing something Montague is unaware of and could care less about:

Implementing the will of the people.

Montague goes on to blather:
Sen. King, if you continue to listen to Sens. Benton and Rivers, you run the risk of signaling to people throughout the nation that we in Southwest Washington are incapable of managing a complex, bistate mega project.
Actually, since NO GOP senator from Clark County supports this garbage,  the only inability here is Montague's and his ilk... and that's an inability for him to understand that The People DO NOT WANT THIS STEAMING PILE HE'S OBSESSING ABOUT.

Actually, Montague, as usual, is also wrong in what this "signals."

First, no one cares what it "signals.

Second, if this project were so great, he'd be putting it to a vote.

Third, Montague would acknowledge that this entire scam is a loot rail rip off, start to finish, as indicated by the Oregon Supreme Court.

If this idiot is looking for a reason to build this crap pile... this ain't it.
And because of biases against mass transit, Washington is more than willing to send our share of federal transportation dollars to other states, and Clark County is more than willing to send our share of a state transportation revenue package to projects up in Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane.
Absolutely.  "Other states" and other cities are in much greater need than we are for scummery like this.

Here's the thing, slimebag: if you don't like the job either Benton or Rivers is doing, then feel free to run against them.

But no one elected you to speak for us.  That's what the Senators are doing.

And the people have spoken.  And what we're saying is this: do not hammer this community for 4 decades to build Montague's Fetish.  Senators King, Benton and Rivers have listened and are doing our will.

Kudos to the courageous GOP senators from Clark County who have stared down lying scum like Montague, who would sell his own children, along with the rest of this community, to get this pig crap built... and now, his greatest fear is that the long overdue death of this scam will render him impotent in every sense of the word generally, but politically most of all.


Jack said...


Lew said...

If Montague really believes SW Washington "deserves" a transportation project, what does holding that same project to Portland's financially failing light rail have to do with anything?

It's deep in debt, inefficient, overly expensive and what will it do for SW Washington except ship more jobs and more Clark County spenders over to Oregon to spend their money, while sticking SW Washington with generations of massive debt with payments also being sent over to Oregon to pay for light rail fares, track and equipment maintenance as well as improvements to Oregon projects far outside of the so called CRC benefit zone.

There is no advantage to SW Washington with this boondoggle. All advantage goes to Oregon who will steadily drain the economy of SW Washington.

Montague can kiss my grits, as used to be said.

Oregon does not deserve to drain our local economy to benefit their wants.

Anonymous said...

Montague is a tool.