Saturday, June 08, 2013

Another moronic Brancaccio plan: a "pay model" for the democratian web site.

Saw this latest idiocy from Brancaccio in his weekly babble:

(Psychopathic hatred of Mielke, Madore, Benton and the weekly cheap-shot aside) 
• Columbian Web users will soon begin to see a pay model for the website.
It's this same kind of vision that enabled Lou to lead the rag into bankruptcy once before.

Few would remotely pay for access to his lies, distortions and attacks.  Of his many bizarre, utterly worthless scams, this one will last the least amount of time before sanity prevails.

The fact is that before people will pay for a product, there has to be some value in buying it.

Given the typical obliteration of the line between their hatred of most things conservative and their use of this rag as an attack dog against most of those who have the sense to disagree with them... this rag is not that.

So, Scott, Lou and the boys, good luck with this.  But charging people to read this pap of incessant hatred and contempt for tens of thousands of people who live in this county, is yet another experiment where Lou gets a new hat:


1 comment:

Jack said...

The CRC has been most Devisive mainly because The Columbian has worked feverish overtime to make it so.But it has been to no avail, because the project remains quite dead anyway.Was it really worth the anger and bad feelings generated in the community towards The Columbian to take the ridiculous stances on this project?I hardly think it has been cost-effective and I don't think charging to view printed Bullshit will be "cost-effective" either