Monday, May 20, 2013

What really happened today in Olympia:Why the democratian left out some facts.

The first thing the democrat paper of record left out was the size of this "rally," which had been wrongly portrayed to different people as a "CRC rally" and a Hiway 167 rally and so on.

Here's the article in it's entirety:.

OLYMPIA — Gov. Jay Inslee spoke at a rally at the Capitol in support of a transportation funding package, saying it's "crunch time" to pay for road projects and maintain existing roads and bridges.
Inslee, U.S. Rep. Denny Heck and state lawmakers spoke at the rally Monday. Lawmakers are in the midst of a 30-day special legislative session to deal with the state operating budget, but Inslee has said that a transportation revenue package must be dealt with as well.
In addition to controversial projects like the replacement of the bridge connecting Interstate 5 between Vancouver, Wash., and Portland, Ore., Inslee said "we've got to fix and maintain what we have today."
A proposal to raise the gas tax by 10 cents per gallon to help pay for maintenance of existing roads, as well as for a handful of pending big-ticket projects, has the support of House Democrats but faces skepticism from the Republican-dominated Senate majority.
The plan would also allow local governments to raise taxes and fees to help pay for mass transit. Inslee has said it should be on the table during the current special session.
Washington lawmakers returned to the Capitol last week for a special legislative session to address a projected deficit of more than $1.2 billion in the next two-year budget, plus a court-ordered increase in funding for the state's education system.
Swell.  Let's "fix and maintain what we have today.

But here's the deal: sources tell me that the "rally" consisted of about 200 people, and those not affiliated with getting this massive tax increase rammed down our throats or otherwise paid to be there would fit in a phone booth.

Who actually showed up?

Well, the Governor and his entourage.  Leftist legislators like Molehill.  Every lobbyist who ever heard of the CRC.  paid staffers from agencies like Licensing and so forth.  And the teamsters.

So, it was a dog and pony show, primarily paid for by tax dollars.

Some rally.

But it's the kind of genuine insincerity... the usual lies and double-speak the CRC Scammers are known for..

It's what we're increasingly coming to expect from democrat-controlled government.

1 comment:

Lew said...

And the effort to load more burdens on the backs of the struggling middle class continue.

I guess Inslee has not looked at any gas prices lately.

Right at and above $4 a gallon and climbing.

Great time to slap the middle class with more gas taxes.