Monday, May 20, 2013

Sen. Ann Rivers, the "Bridge Killer" at work reacting to the CRC Scam in Oly today..

1 comment:

Lew said...

Funny is ready Moeller admit and justify it was a staged rally.

"The right-wing wants to poo-poo it because it was staged! What? Staged? :-) What do they think a rally is anyway?"

Then, the moron says, "People need jobs! Give them a job! Pass it now, in the legislature! We were elected to make the hard choices, to make the difficult votes! Let's do our job so others can do theirs!"

First of all, what sort of complete idiot gambles with thousands of family wage permanent jobs in order to have a few temporary jobs to build a light rail project that will bankrupt the middle class?

As for as making hard choices, kill the bill, save the middle class.

With gas once again at $4 a gallon, we can ill-afford more gas tax, license fee increases, tolls and whatever hair brained scheme they come up with.