Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dalesandro's next defeat: Lisa Walters.

Mike Dalesandro, who has yet to contact me to discern for himself if I am that misogynist "coward who hides behind a keyboard," my fierce loyalty to my districts only legislators notwithstanding.

Among his many other talents, Dalesandro DOES have a critical position.  It won't be enough to win the election, because he's so gawd awful on the rest of the issues.

But he claims to oppose the CRC Scam.

That's almost enough to get him past his political stupidity, his fringe-left positions, his desire to confiscate our weapons, his slavish support of Obama, his equally slavish support of Marc Boldt, his failure to understand the impacts of the county wide vote against the CRC in the last election, a political moron who views the damage Obama has done to this country as a list of "accomplishments," including the idiocy of "UN" affordable healthcare, wasting billions on Government Motors, that OBAMA killed Bin Laden, giddy over Obama's race and gender-based fringe-left Supreme Court appointments, his lies about Obama supporting "equal pay," Wall Street reform that doesn't exist...

Dalesandro's support of gay marriage alone will be enough to end him in Battle Ground, which was hardly a bastion of liberal thought.

He goes on to babble able how great it was that Obama has weakened the military, slammed us into even more debt by getting rid of pre-existing conditions exclusion, lies about "4 million private sector jobs" that Obama had nothing to do with, lying about OBAMA "increasing oil production" again, as if he'd had anything to do with it, the lies of "20+ months of private sector job growth," his stupidity about Obama ending ANY war, worthless, so-called "infrastructure improvements (seen any of those around here?), "payroll taxes reduced?"  Seriously? 

Dalesandro's fringe-left babble:  It became clear to me that Romney will not support the type of change we really need to get this nation moving forward... nothing about Obama's massive debt, or paying off his buddies, or sending money to terrorists...   

As I pointed out that: The last thing we need is this kind of blind, defy-belief-and-reality-allegiance to a failed party and a failed presidency.

Lisa Walters, on the other hand, isn't all that, either.

But she's light years ahead of this wannabe.

So, it'll be Walters in a walk.

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