Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brancaccio's comment steps in it again.

When you're cursed with a liar and a fringe-left nutter who can't back up his words, I guess an idiotic, reality-defying response to people calling him out is to be expected:

When"the messenger" lies about the message, that's where the blame lay.

Stuart and Brancaccio cooked this up between them.  We all know what they were HOPING for... at worst, not hiring Benton; at best, that both (or either) Mielke or Madore would resign.

None of that will happen, of course: the more delusional fringe-leftists are floating around in a fog of bong smoke, trying to find a way to lie upm  a recall that will never happen.

Of course, THIS slimeball seems to forget to mention any of the reality of a recall effort, which will go no where.  No, to remind the ignorant that this effort can't go anywhere is to dishearten them, and that doesn't fit well with keeping them whipped up to a fever pitch.

Here's my response to this slimeball, which he's too much of a coward to allow on his censored comment page... meaning he'll never see it.

  • K.j. Hinton ·  Top Commenter · I run the joint at Doin' Political Stuff.
    Those are YOUR rules, and you've been using them for years to excuse your lies, distortions ansd exaggerations.

    That you are obviously furious that the GOP told you to get bent, and that's just too damned bad.

    Your "crusading newspaperman" shtick wore thin when you let a drunken female molester off the hook because he was a democrat state representative.

    In case you haven't noticed, the fact is that the commissioners, BY YOUR OWN RAG'S ADMISSION, did nothing wrong.

    Your newspaper, their selective publication of the facts, and your conservative jihad: not unlike the IRS.

    When it comes right down to it, YOU are guilty of more then enough to be fired from your job, in every way, from treating your people like crap, to needing anger management classes, to lying to the people of this county.

    And now you've seen it's all for nothing.

    And that just gripes your shorts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooohhhhhh, I get it now! That's what Moeller, Montague, Leavitt, and other "sell our soul for the bridge" types have been doing to Tiffany Couch and other people who have the courage to stand up.