Sunday, January 27, 2013

Local GOP image problem: "Bunch of pasty white guys."

Memo to Peter Van Nortwick:  Stay in the assessor's office; you're not going to be the next county commissioner.

I was locked and loaded to fire my blog rounds directly at that empty-headed moron Stephanie Rice, currently embarked on her anti-Madore/GOP jihad because Commissioner Madore is actually working to do something to kill the CRC.  You know, something that excuse for a newspaper tiold us he couldn't do?

Imagine my surprise when, on this rare occasion, I come to discover that, in fact, Peter Van Nortwick, who, for whatever the reason wants to take Steve Stuart's place after he leaves to join the Inslee Administration, actually was stupid enough to schedule such a meeting.

Now, don't get me wrong:  Most of Rice's babble is fiction and delusional.  Most of her blurb here still fits that description, but we've come to expect her lies, so it isn't all that much of a shock to see her make claims that aren't true. 

Won't be the first time... and it won't be the last.

Odd, for example, that the rag took a decidedly different view when it was their boy Boldt and Stuart at a different meeting, wasn't it?  No bias here, nothing to see.... right?

Wrong.  But as I said, this is just business as usual for the blight on our community, the sort of Liars Unanimous when it comes to the rag's agenda.  One year, for example, they blast WEA union hack Monica Stonier for being a union lackey, the next year they endorse her because she's carrying the CRC water like Gunga Din.

All of that is neither here nor there.

What IS here or there is that Peter Van Nortwick really, really wants to be county commissioner.  This meeting is, in part, a pathway (he believes) to get there.

In the past, I've supported Van Nortwick for Assessor: he was obviously the best choice and the savagery of the attacks by Light Heel Lou made supporting him easy.

But two things make further support of Van Nortwick, charitably, difficult.

Van Nortwick was McKenna's guy for Clark County.  If I knew nothing else, that would be a complete disqualifier, right there.

But I also know much of what's going on in the Assessor's office.  Changes need to be made. That they're not made indicates poor leadership and management.

This meeting, combined with those two other elements, show poor judgment.  And that's 3 strikes.

You're out.

Scheduling a meeting of any kind with three legislators during the week IN SESSION?  Benton, Harris (Who also wants to be, and likely will be, the next Commissioner come next November) and Vick (Who seems to continue to live up to the low expectations I have for him)  ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ON FRIDAY.  THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN OLYMPIA, DOING WHAT WE PAY THEM TO DO.


If this meeting is so important, schedule it for the weekend, during session.  Make sure that Sen. Rivers and Rep. Pike are invited. 

This meeting is a caricature of the GOP's imagery problem.  If Rice had the brains of a gnat, she would have focused on that element instead of her nonsensical presentation that this meeting somehow violated sunshine laws.  It clearly does not.  But then, Rice has never been the brightest bulb on the tree.

That said, this kind of a lack of vision on Peter's part shows an unsuitability for a position of governance.  And both Rivers and Pike are as conservative as the county officials that were selected for this soiree.

Don't let this kind of idiocy happen again.

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