Sunday, January 27, 2013

John "Pit Yorkie" Laird jumps butt first into the moron zone.

The Pit Yorkie is the local mental equivalent of a Nazi.


His nazi-like tendency to belittle the people, to think we're stupid, to believe 100% in government infallibility, his dogged insistence on ignoring the facts, his blood oath to ramming the CRC down our throats.... all of those are reminiscent of the mindset of an SS officer fresh out of Bad Tolz.

Everyone who opposes Laird and the rest of the downtown mafia's view is not only wrong, they're stupid dullards without any position worthy of consideration.  His situational ethics are legendary.  His failure to even acknowledge the facts that destroy his moronic, harmful positions... all of these things show this carbuncle on our community up for what he really is?

Take today's idiotic spew:
Homework required — Before you present your amazing magic solution about a new bridge or light rail, do the rest of us a favor and ask yourself four questions:
(1) Was my amazing magic solution studied extensively five years ago by people who are much smarter than I am?
This moronic squit has two separate issues:

The answer to the first part of the question is "no."

This lying scumbag knows damned well that the only "solution" even looked at was the one we have now.  No other solution was looked at... or even glanced at.

Laird, the epitome of scum, knew that when he keyed this garbage.

So... no. 

Second, everyone walking upright is smarter than Laird is, but in this instance, you can be sure that his blind belief in that garbage... as if those who rejected, without even looking at any other of the many much more efficient and cheaper solutions are somehow smarter then WE are.

When, as the Oregon Supreme Court noted and this despicable rag continually ignores, the fact of the matter is that the solution we have now IS THE ONLY SOLUTION EVER CONSIDERED, then the relative intelligence of those raping us is really irrelevant.
(2) After a thorough vetting, did these experts rule out my amazing magic solution?
No other "solution" was even looked at.  The only "thorough vetting" that exists is in the vacuous space under Laird's chrome dome.

Again, the answer is "no."
(3) Was their solution endorsed by popularly elected officials on both sides of the Columbia River?
Some.  Some are no longer in, and have been thrown out of office as a result.  Since that was the scam from the beginning, only the scumbag that is Laird refuses to acknowledge it, of course they went along.
(4) Why didn't I pay attention and get involved five years ago?
I DID pay attention and I DID get involved 5 years ago... but since the CRC had a POLICY of ignoring us, why would you even bother to ask?

Why did you and the rest of these scum start lying 5 years ago?  Why did you start attacking us?  Why did you and Brancaccio at first act like there WAS no opposition?  And then why did you belittle us when that opposition became overwhelming?

And most importantly....

Why are you and the rest of the downtown mafia deny us a vote?

See, Laird.... you make it far too easy.

You knew the answers before you asked the questions.  Slime that you are, you didn't care.

Then this garbage:
From Jesse's cold, dead fingers — "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart recently examined the controversial gun-control issue and presented a video clip of Jesse Ventura snarling, "Do we go to the Ford Motor Co. and tell them to stop making these automobiles because people get drunk and kill people in cars?"

Backed into a corner, the timid Stewart had no choice but to agree with the former pro wrestler. "No," Stewart confessed. "But we do enact stricter blood alcohol limits, raise the drinking age, ramp up enforcement and penalties, charge bartenders who serve drunks, and launch huge public awareness campaigns to stigmatize the dangerous behavior, and we do all these things because it might just help bring drunken driving rates down — I don't know — by two-thirds in a few decades (supportive chart posted on the TV screen next to Stewart)." Case closed.
Then let's start enacting limits on the press.

Number of words.  Number of syllables in a word.  For example, None of Laird's columns can have more than 10 words in them.  Any more than that is completely unnecessary and may damage the community he, unfortunately lives in.

And the case, not even being close to "closed" is this:

First of all, the laws Steward and the Yorkie are blabbing about DON'T WORK EITHER.

Thousands more people are killed in cars every year than by guns.

Second, going back to Laird's own words: pandering to the fringe-left, pro-government morons like Laird doesn't solve the problem, either.

It's not just that Laird is a liar.... it's also that he does it so badly.... and it's so easy to blow holes through his positions.

But then, it is of most fringe-leftists.  Isn't it?

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