Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So, did you know Marc Boldt's daughter works for.... David Madore?

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not and likely will not be endorsing in this race. I freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's re-election since he's completely sold out to the left, forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several decades that will destroy a great many small businesses in Clark County as a result.

NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state House.)  

Yeah, Madore, for many, is terrible.  Hell, for many, I'M terrible.

But the fact is that Jayena Boldt, Marc Boldt's oldest daughter, is employed at a place called US Digital... THE US Digital, owned by David Madore.

Got to wonder, kids: if YOUR political opponent was acting like Marc Boldt and his people, would you allow your opponent's daughter to work for YOU?

I ask all this because, once again, I'm hearing that Marc Boldt's people... family... are telling others that I am opposed to Marc because David Madore is paying me.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is simply not true.

I do not IN ANY WAY work for David Madore... or anyone connected to him in any way.

But Marc Boldt's oldest daughter does.

And how weird is that?

My reasons for opposing Boldt begin and end with the political.

I oppose Marc because he's made, is making, and will continue to make bad decisions for the people of Clark County.


No pay is involved, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise.

In fact, I will discuss this with almost anyone (excluding anyone having anything to do with the democratian) who is interested if they doubt me.

Just email me at clarkcountypolitics@gmail.com to set up the meeting.


Lew said...

If Jayena still lives at home, it appears there is more Madore money entering Boldt's home than yours.

At any rate, the Boldt family appears to receive more money from Madore than does the Hinton family.

Isn't it funny, just like when Herrera was first running, we were being paid or promised jobs. Yet, when it was all over, it was one of our accusers accepting the money & job.

I can't help but wonder, if it were reversed and Marc Boldt owned a company, would he employ one of David Madore's daughters?

K.J. Hinton said...

It would only be ironic if A: Madore HADN'T been funding PCOA (he has funded them) and B: I WAS getting paid by Madore.

Since you asked.

Jack said...

There is funny parallel that can be drawn between David Madore and Mitt Romney here. The Lefties have been doing their damndest to demonize Madore like they demonized Romney, yet guess what will happen when people see and meet the real David Madore It will be a re-run of the America's reaction to Romney's first debate appearance and the Lefties will be eating poop again for falsely calling "monster!!".The Left will be the ones getting a richly deserved case of "the ass" out of the deal.

Greg Owens said...

Many people at US Digital oppose Madore for commissioner. I count at least 10 that I know personally. A job is a job. No one is doubting Madore's ability to run a business. Never has been the issue. By the way, heard Lew might be giving up his blog. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Maybe you should join him.

K.J. Hinton said...

Sorry, Greg... but first, unlike your guy, I don't do hypocrisy.

How is it that you actually know 10 people who work for David? You stalking him?

Second: if they find him so objectionable, why do they stay there?

Third, no matter WHAT David does or does not do, my objections to my brother in law (who I know a great deal better then you or any of the other leftists endorsing him) remain unassailed and firmly in place.

I wouldn't presume to speak for Lew; he's a man, and he's earned a great deal of credibility with me.... unlike you.

But this isn't about David. I don't campaign for him, I don't work for him, and I have my own problems with him... but unlike you, I KNOW Marc, and I also know I no longer want him in office.

Feel free to keep any further suggestions about what I should or shouldn't do to yourself. This ain't your playground... and you ain't all that.

As much as I enjoy embarrassing you when you come around here, that you choose to take this kind of abuse speaks to a problem YOU have... not me... or Lew.