Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Memo to the democratian: It wasn't a "blunder:" it was deliberate policy... and you damned well knew it.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not and likely will not be endorsing in this race. I freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's re-election since he's completely sold out to the left, forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several decades that will destroy a great deal of small business in Clark County as a result.

NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

There's nothing released in the memo unearthed by Tiffany Couch that the democratian, Steve Stuart, Marc Boldt, Tim Leave-it, Don Wagner et al, didn't already know.

Let me repeat that: there's nothing in the memo released by Tiffany Couch that the democratian, Steve Stuart, Marc Boldt, Tim Leave-it, Don Wagner et al, didn't already know.

There is a reason that democrats Boldt and Stuart have spiked any vote, advisory or otherwise, over this project: and that reason is laid out in this damning memo of corruption.  There's a reason Marc Boldt lied to my face about a county-wide advisory vote on this pile of corruption.  There's a reason democrats are funding, endorsing and even managing Marc Boldt's campaign:

NO ONE involved in the CRC WANTS "public input." And that includes that excuse for a newspaper.  "Public input," you see, might force them to change their plans.  "Public input" might cause them to be held accountable.

And NONE of the CRC scammers or their cheerleaders want THAT.

At the time the so-called (and obviously pre-ordained outcome of bridge-replacement, light rail to Vancouver, indefinite tolls) "locally preferred alternative" came out it was clear that the decisions as to where and how light rail was going to be rammed down our throats had long since been made... and "public input" was a worthless smoke screen designed to allow these scum some shred of respectability as they screwed us.

In short, there never was any real consideration of any OTHER alternative but the one they, which includes this despicable cancer of a newspaper, already wanted.

(Just as a brief aside, does anyone find it odd that the rag failed to mention who Couch was working for when this discovery was made, and what her motivation was in examining all of this crap?

Why doesn't the typically understate spin the rag spewed mention that Tiffany was working at the direction of David Madore?  Why?

Because when the rag hates you....

If Boldt had cared enough to dig around and find this crap, is there ANY doubt that they would have made it an above the fold, bold faced headline?)

The rag seems to be upset.  And that is completely bizarre, in that they likely knew... all along... that "public input" was meaningless.

This policy of deliberately and ILLEGALLY excluding public participation in this rip off AS A MATTER OF POLICY,  has been in place FOR OVER SEVEN YEARS.

And this is the best this propaganda sheet can do about it?


If public input, which these contemptible liars suddenly find so valuable as they cover their collective asses:
When should the public be involved in a public project? Early and often. There is no appropriate time to obstruct the people's participation in the people's work.That basic principle either escaped the understanding of Columbia River Crossing officials in 2005, or they intentionally circumvented it. so damned important now, then why didn't it matter years ago?

Is there any QUESTION these lying clowns "intentionally circumvented it?"

And now that we know they DID, in fact, "intentionally circumvent it," WHAT DOES THE RAG PROPOSED THAT WE DO ABOUT IT?

Absolutely nothing.  Because no matter how criminally those involved act(ed), it's on the democratian's agenda.

I'll take it a step further:

The democratian joined with the CRC in spiking public input, particularly when it didn't agree with their agenda.  They never once demanded a vote, county-wide or otherwise.  They keep lying about the county commissioners being unable to do anything about any of this, when the fact is that right now, the commissioners can KILL THIS ENTIRE PROJECT.  But they don't want you to know that.  Because they don't want Boldt to be held accountable for any of this.

How many times did the rag trash the opposition, supporting Tim leave-it's efforts to censor the people?

How many times did Lou Brancaccio shill CRC stories without bothering to get comment from anyone opposing this garbage, laughingly claiming he couldn't find anyone that fit the description?  How many times has John Laird libeled those who opposed his scam?

Instead, when people objected to this rip off, this very excuse for what laughingly passes as journalism heaped mountains of scorn and derision on those, like me, who knew this was a scam... who knew the public was being ignored... who knew that the decisions were made before any meetings, or studies were released... who knew that the intention, ALL ALONG was to ram a new bridge and light rail down our throats were trashed, laughed at, silenced, censored and generally trashed by everyone at this carbuncle on our society who had long since placed their agenda over the "people's right to know."

Even now, they deliver a meaningless slap on the wrist so they can start the "OK, we've heard enough... let's move along" garbage wagon crap they always do when their heroes are caught breaking the law (Jim Jacks immediately comes to mind) because their stilted, muted "response" indicates that.

Where is their demand for an investigation if they're so "troubled?"  Where's their demand that those involved be fired if they are so damned "concerned?"  Where's is their rant against those who've brought us to this?  Where's their effort to take to task those officials who failed in their duty by DELIBERATELY failing to allow a public voice?

The entirety of the democrat political hierarchy is responsible for this massive violation of law and ethics.  Every city council member who supported this... every county commissioner (and yeah, I'm talking about YOU, Marc) who allowed this to happen is responsible for this. Combine the lack of concern over public input with the corruption laid out by the Oregon Supreme Court over the true motivations on this project and it all comes together.

And if ANY of you had a shred of honor, the least you could do is resign.

But because you're all democrats, do you think this waste of wood pulp will EVER hold ANY of you accountable?

No way.

The state attorney general's office at a minimum... the US Department of Justice at the maximum... they should ALL be involved.

But corruption in the pursuit of your goals is OK with the Columbian.  Their non-response... their failure to demand accountability from this entire project?

That just shows that they really don't care.

Ultimately, this entire project should be shelved.  Those involved should be investigated.  The despicable wart of a newspaper and those like Boldt, Stuart, Moeller and their ilk should be removed from office.

They KNEW.  And it didn't matter until someone working for David Madore blew the whistle.  And, like the Oregon Supreme Court decision this rag has NEVER ONCE WRITTEN ABOUT, they would pour gasoline on themselves and light it before they told anyone that Madore was ultimately behind exposing this scam.

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