Monday, September 10, 2012

My candidate endorsement checklist.

OK, kids, here's how this goes.  A series of questions: if any question has the wrong answer, the candidate loses.

Local candidates: Any "no" answer disqualifies you from my endorsement.

1.  Do you tell the truth?

2.  Are you running for yourself... or for the people?

3.  Do you oppose the CRC?

4.  Do you understand the scam behind the CRC?

5.  Do you opposes tolls, and will you oppose the entirety of the project if tolls are required?  (In short, will you keep your word, unlike that little worm, Leave-it?)

6.  Do you oppose loot rail and any tax or fee increase to support loot rail?

7.  Do you campaign on this?  Is it on your website, for example?

8.  Do you oppose the Cowlitz/Mohegan/Paskenta/Barnett megacasino?

9.  Are you a genuine conservative?

10.  If you're going to vote on principle, do your principles match your district?

Based on this list, it should be easy to see why I oppose Bus'n Boldt, while I support Jon Haugen.

Boldt sold us out years ago in a variety of areas.  Haugen seems more conservative than our Cowardly Congresswoman.  Both are democrats, admitted or no.

It's why I oppose RINO Rob, Finkbeiner, Dunn, Wyman, Tanner, Olsen, and possibly, now, even Adrian Cortes, based on his non-positions on the CRC.

So, there you have it.

For those who insist on believing I'm working for David Madore, here's the deal:

You're wrong.

People will believe whatever they want.  But my positions are based entirely on principle; these were my positions before I'd ever heard of David Madore.

You can be the nicest guy around... but if I believe you're selling us out like Boldt has sold us out for years, then we've got a problem.... Brother-in-law or no.

If I believe you're a fake... or in the case of Marc Boldt and Rob McKenna, RINOs who use the Republican label, not because they live it or believe it but for political expediency, then we've got a problem.

And if you don't oppose the entirety or the CRC scam, including replacing the bridge, bringing loot rail over here and tolling the people for this rip off...

Then we've got a problem.

And me getting paid has nothing to with any of this.

In case anyone is still wondering.

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