Saturday, September 08, 2012

Kage Talk: The ideal editor is...

(FULL DISCLOSURE: NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

It's unfortunate that we're stuck with a fringe-left newspaper editor... unfortunate, but not surprising, given the general leftist bent reporters have, both around here and everywhere else.

Lou Brancaccio is a leftist.  He endorses leftist candidates in competitive elections, even going so far as to endorse ONLY democrats, from president on down, in EVERY local, statewide and federal election back in 08 in every open seat and competitive election in that cycle.

So, when he wakes up and sees the two democrats running for governor in the general, it's much like hitting the jackpot with two RINO's so he can, actually, point to two fake Republicans, Boldt and McKenna, as those he supports to "prove" his "bi-partisan" cred.

Except, we all know better.

So, to help our pathological leftist to understand what a RINO is, I thought I'd take this opportunity to help him out. Who knows? Maybe one day, he'll actually tell the truth.

But I doubt it.

So, here ya go:

Bus'n Boldt and RINO Rob are RINO's because they've abandoned GOP principles in the name of political expedience and fear of losing their jobs... or failing to win a job.

Marc has sold out because he's physically incapable of doing what he used to do: drive a cement truck.  He's physically beat up, and, combined with the fact that he needs to be re-elected one more time to get fully vested in the retirement system (It maxes out at 20 years... and right now, Marc's got 18) there's nothing he wouldn't do... no lie, apparently, he wouldn't tell to keep the job... and that includes voting with Steve Stuart, democrat, most of the time.

Boldt and his fellow democrats have voted to take our weapons away from us; raised our taxes, voted to gerrymander the CTran tax district, voted to ram a new bridge, loot rail and tolls down our throats without a vote of the people, and killed the promised charter election...

Voting precisely like the democrats.

So, when you have a fake Republican voting in lock step with democrats?

They're a RINO.

When you're running for Governor and you support gay marriage, trash Gov. Walker, kiss the asses of the tribes and PSE's, trash the Boy Scouts, oppose common sense initiaitives... you know, just like the democrats?

Then you're a RINO.

Lou, a RINO here locally is one who agrees with your positions.

Since you are a leftist, those who agree with your positions... or most of those positions... are, in fact, leftists as well.

Wearing a Republican label is utterly meaningless.  What we have here is the issue of the duck.

If it walks, talks, swims, has feathers and quacks, then guess what?

It's a duck.

So, when we look at RINO Rob, and we compare his positions with yours... or Inslee's... and they match on most of the high points, it's easy to see that calling Rob a RINO... or democrat... or anything BUT a Republican is easily achieved.

That you would tie that label to the Tea Party is the typically despicable crap that you toss around.  I'm not in the Tea Party; have no communication with them, and yet I apply the label freely when it's merited.

So, this is just another effort on your part to backhand your political opponents.  I get that, of course, but that you don't admit it is just you, Lou, being Lou.

As a leftist, the irony and hypocrisy you exhibit by passing judgment on who would, or would not be considered "Republican" enough is again, just you, being you.

Clearly, you don't know any more about Republicanism than I do about brain surgery.  But shooting off your keyboard about yards of crap you know nothing about?  That's just Lou, being Lou.

So, what do you do?  You list a few problems (leaving out many of the major issues), fail to list any solutions, and claim that the awareness of these problems alone makes for the ideal candidate.

The trouble with that is that any idiot knows what the problems are; after all look at the list you put together (The typically leftist, built in lies notwithstanding)... the few you listed, because, except to a leftist, there are many more than the minor, paltry few you put up.

The issues are the issues.  The questions have to revolve around solutions.

And typical of your ilk, you don't list any.

In reality, the labeling is, as even a moron like Brancaccio knows, simple.

When a leftist like Boldt or McKenna claims to be Republican but walks, acts, thinks and runs like a democrat, well, guess what: He's a RINO.

But then, as disingenuous as your columns are, Lou, you knew that before your spewed out this effort.



Martin Hash said...

Your definition of a RINO works because you tie it to the Republican Platform (even though you haven't mention it in this editorial). You are also right in denying Tea Party folks because they are probably RINOs by that defintion too. In fact, Conservatives might be RINOs on a line-item Platform test?

Just jazzing with the concept...

K.J. Hinton said...

Well, for me, I've arrived at the ability to abel that through comparison: if, as a politician, you vote mostly democrat... then how do you claim to be a Republican?

This goes back to the issue of labels. If they have meaning, then living with the tenets of those meanings is necessary.

If they are meaningless, then why not just admit what you are... whatever that may be?