Tuesday, September 04, 2012

It might have been Bush's fault... But it ain't now.

Look, I don't support either one of these guys, and since the majority of voters in Washington State are politically clueless leftists and the state is going democrat...again... anyway... I will not be voting for either...

Here's the deal.

Even now, Obama and his people are refusing to run on their record, which is kind of bizarre... if he'd done such a great job... then why are they running away from the job he's done?

Nevertheless, here's the fact of the matter: If it's "Bush's fault."(tm) then are we to presume that if the economy had, somehow, magically turned around,  Obama would be taking all the credit?

How is it that Obama would take all of the credit under such a circumstance, but with this abysmal outcome, refuse to take any of the blame?

Look, I get it.

"Truth" is situational in politics.  The American people do not want to face up to reality.  Imagine how much better off we'd all be if we had?

They don't want to hear about the debt as long as THEIR check keeps coming.  The democrats, who've provided precisely zero in the way of budgets or plans to get us out of this.... Obama even ignoring his own debt commission... take great delight in blowing holes in the GOP efforts to fill that vacuum, and we let them get away with it.

Again, I'm something of a political anomaly, in that I recognize that to survive, the programs I'm facing in the onset of my senior years will have to be cut.  Yes, that means the heretofore Third Rail of social security and Medicare.

I am willing to make that sacrifice, and it's not because I've got some huge amount of money stashed to make up the difference.  I've got very little, as far as that goes.

And I'm willing to put my country first... as long as my country recognizes that the idea that they should not take from me what I've worked so hard to achieve from my homelessness some 21 years ago to what I have now and give it away to those who don't even try to work.

What I've acquired should not go to those on drugs, smoking, with cable TV, cell phones or the internet.  Our so-called impoverished have a standard of living that 80% of the world would likely envy.

It should not go to those who will not do absolutely anything and everything they legally can to get a job.

And if it didn't?  I'd cheerfully join with those facing the reality of our nation's future and live with less... a lower standard of living from Social Security... and the fact that I know... I KNOW... I will have to work until I die.

I love my country.  I want to see it survive and thrive.  But common sense dictates that we will do neither on this course.

To acknowledge you've screwed up is to show weakness.  And in the shark tank known as politics, weakness gets you politically killed.

But that goes to the heart of the matter: I believe that all politicians should run for reasons that have nothing to do with bettering themselves.

Yeah, yeah, I know... it's all about what THEY get out of it... after all, Congress routinely exempts itself from all of the laws they make US live under.

But I live in that world different from most where the concept of "America" is SUPPOSED to mean something.

Many in government have become millionaires while elected.  Harry Reid comes to mind.

How can you become a millionaire when your income is supposed to be from government?

I want people to run who look around and say, hey.... you know what?

"The guy (or gal) doing this job sucks at representing the people and I can do better."

I don't want them to run because they expect to become rich as a result.

I want people who are focused on the people to run... I want people of courage to run (which is part of why I despise Jamie Herrera, since she has none)... I want people of integrity to run (Which is the main reason I oppose Marc Boldt, my own brother in law, because he's shown that's been co-opted in him by the downtown special interests) I want people with sound judgment to run (which is why I oppose David Madore; because he's shown a lack of judgment, all too frequently, in the people he surrounds himself with) and I want people to run who actually reflect those they represent or would govern.

I have walked away from a lot of money on the table because I considered the candidates being supported to fail those tests... just last year, to be precise.

I would rather have an honest moron who listens to, implements, seeks out and is not afraid of the will of the people they would govern than have the brightest, but most lying bulbs on the tree.... like Tim Leave-it.

Mr. Obama would bask in the glory he'd have created had he kept his promises.  But the true decimation of leadership is to over-promise and under-deliver.  At this point, it's fairly clear that Obama would say or do anything, to the detriment of this country or no, to be re-elected.

No matter how many bodies he'd have to step on to get there.

1 comment:

Martin Hash said...

Dude, you don't have to give up anything. America has plenty of surplus to keep you from living in the street and dying of a common infection. And in case you forgot, we live in a democracy - which means old people rule. Us old people can vote to take from whoever we want. Rather than take from young people (SS & medicare taxes), we'll be taking from the 1% via hyperinflation. (I don't know why nobody ever talks about this?)