Saturday, August 11, 2012

The lie that, with Ryan, "the democrats got the guy they wanted."

First of all, the left would be saying that no matter who Romney picked, period.  That's part of their effort to "Palin-ize" anyone that became the VP choice.  Nevertheless, I expect you'll be hearing that phrase a great deal over the next several days.

Secondly, expect them to savage Ryan, his wife, and his children.  They shoved the envelope over the cliff in 08 when it came to attacks; nothing is off limits. The left and their media went after Palin's kids fullbore, suggesting absurdity after absurdity.... all designed to knock Palin off message... which it frequently did. 

Correspondingly, the idiocy of Obama's parenting should be on the table as much as they'll shove Ryan's up there, and when those things become an issue for them, real or contrived, then Obama's kids should become an issue for him.

Thirdly, remember: there is no pick the democrats would approve of.  None.  No one would ever cause the left to go, "Gee, Gov. Romney... Great choice, well done."  If Romney had picked the Klingon Princess to be his running mate, they'd find a way to hammer her.

That's the level this has all sunk to.  The left is DESPERATE to talk about ANYTHING but the abysmal state of almost every Obama decision or policy of the last 4 years.

The issue will not be substance.  It will be smoke and mirrors, and so far, Romney and his people seem ill-equipped to deal with that.

More later.


Martin Hash said...

It doesn't make any difference who Romney's VP pick is anyway.

Jack said...

Ryan is part of "America's Comeback Team". I like that phrase.I loved "You DID BUILD THAT" It's much more positive than Obozo's very insulting "You dIDN't Build That.

K.J. Hinton said...

So, I went to and asked it:

Will Mitt Romney become President?

And it replied:

"Yes, and you will win many banana stickers."

And Martin, for something that doesn't "make any difference" you can bet the DNC and Obama's campaign are going to spend tens of millions to assure us that it DOES make a difference.

Martin Hash said...

Can I have some of those banana stickers?