Saturday, August 04, 2012

Boldt continues to lie in his mailers: he NEVER fought for MY chance to vote on loot rail and he SUPPORTS tolls.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

Since Marc Boldt became a full blown democrat county commissioner years ago, he's done many things and taken many votes that I am, literally, ashamed of.

But perhaps the most shameful thing of all is his continuing insistence on lying about his record on his mailers.

His most recent mailer again list the claims that he "fought for your chance to vote on light rail."

That is an outright lie.

I can say that because, quite simply, while there is going to be a vote on loot rail, Marc's efforts have led to the deliberate exclusion of upwards of 100,000 voters... INCLUDING MARC HIMSELF, from having any say.

So, how can he claim to have fought for my right to vote on that garbage that he supports so stridently if neither of us are going to be allowed to vote?

Further, Marc Boldt SUPPORTS TOLLS.

He has never done ANYTHING to stop tolls, and when he claims that his "recorded vote is no tolls," how worthless is that when he still supports this project, WITH tolls?

This is the kind of scummy parsing that democrats are famous for.

And this is one of those many times that I'm not only ashamed of him as my county commissioner, but I'm also ashamed of him as my brother-in-law.

Because I've got to tell you: if you have to lie to get re-elected, then you're no better then the downtown mafia scum that own you now.

The democratian, of course, will do and say nothing about THESE lies, because, well, hell: it's DIFFERENT when it's YOUR guy lying.

And, I've got to wonder: Boldt ends by telling us that "Clark County is NOT for SALE!"

Then why is it that Boldt insists on selling us out to the special interests that obviously own him?

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