Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When the Columbian hates you, they hate you.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

"Hate" is a pretty strong word to throw around, even these days.  I make no bones about it; I actually do hate the Columbian and everything they stand for, since everything they stand for are lies of omission and commission, while completely obliterating any concept of fairness or integrity... while they strive to inflict tremendous damage on this community.

In this upcoming election, they hate Tom Mielke and David Madore, period.  Neither Tom nor David are "their" guys; both stand steadfastly against the fringe-left agenda of the local democrat daily and both are steadfastly opposed to the massive, almost unfathomable pile of waste and incompetence known as the CRC scam.  Thus, if you campaign against their agenda, they do all they can to flatten you; fairness be damned.

I know from first hand experience the sting of their lies, exaggerations, fabrications and outright falsehood... and I've been hammering these scum for over a decade.

Things are not going well for their boy, Marc Boldt.  Marc is, essentially, broke.  He's got a campaign manager who seems to be working for free (SOMEBODY is paying her, it just ain't Marc) and he's close to flat broke.  Marc's opponent, David Madore, is up on TV and is doing multiple mailings that Marc cannot respond to.

However, with the democrat daily in your pocket, you don't need to... since they're doing Marc's campaign for him.

Today's hit piece, along with that of their recent hatchet job on Tom Mielke, both by that waste of skin Stephanie Rice, go to the heart of the matter.

Boldt lied through his teeth on his mailing... and not a peep out of the democratian.

Why?  Because he's their guy and it's perfectly OK for THEIR guy to lie.

In fact, when was the last time they made any effort to hold any of their leftist buddies or causes accountable to the truth?

Lew Water's lays it all out in his own, inimitable way, right here.  Go check it out.

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