Thursday, June 21, 2012

More scummery from the Paulbots: Ron Paul Supporters Sue GOP, Claiming Intimidation

The whackadoodle Paulbots are at it again.
Ron Paul Supporters Sue GOP, Claiming Intimidation
Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 07:46 PM
Supporters of GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul have filed a lawsuit against the Republican National Committee and nearly every state party claiming they improperly helped Mitt Romney during the primaries while using intimidation and threats of violence to thwart them.

Paul's campaign says the Texas congressman doesn't support the lawsuit. An RNC official called it frivolous.

The lawsuit asks a federal court in California to clarify whether delegates attending the national convention in August can vote for any candidate they choose, even if they were won by Romney. Most state parties require delegates to vote for the candidate who won them in primaries or caucuses.

The lawsuit was filed June 11 by more than 100 people who say they are delegates, though some aren't on lists released by state parties.
They're liars, of course; they've got no case, and they've got no way to avoid voting for whoever they're pledged to vote for.

And, of course, they're as Republican as one of my Spaniels.

This is the kind of thing that sickens me about the Paulistinians: democracy and the will of the people have no place in their equation.


Lew said...

My, how Liberally Progressive of them ;-)

K.J. Hinton said...

Gee, Anon, I had no idea that you viewed Associated Press that way.

THEY reported it. You have a problem with it, take it up with them.

Anonymous said...

:) isn't that what they call the Ron Paulies/Tea Party? -- jeremy