Sunday, June 03, 2012

More proof of the self-delusion of the Paulbots.


Mindless automatons.

Political zombies.

Having gotten their collective asses kicked in Tacoma, the clowns have flipped out.

Doesn't look like any of these whack jobs live around here, ya understand.  But then, finding a Paulbot and reality in the same place at the same time is much like finding a diamond in your backyard...

... it ain't impossible... but it ain't likely, either.
James McFerrin · Calhoun Community College

this is a load of B.S. straight from the media. where is the part about how they are not bound, per a letter from a Republican GOP lawyer back in 2008. and if I'm not mistaken a very similar thing has happened in the past where a candidate 'won' majority in caucus, but lost the actual nomination because he ended up with less delegates than he had thought. soo... how about you, the media, actually report on everything instead of only giving half truths. take pride in your job.

Reply · 17 · Like· Follow Post · about an hour ago

Ryan Christopher Woods · University of Houston

I agree. This article is complete crap... Isn't it funny how Bush won in 2000 when he had fewer votes in the popular contest but more delegates?

Reply · Like· 21 minutes ago.
Akuma Tsurugi · Amos Alonzo Stagg High School

Romney had 627 before the Louisiana Caucuses and Ron had 186. The Primaries are nothing more than a straw poll/beauty show of sorts. So to say Romney has more than his 1144 is based on primary projections is just silly. Guys, Less than half of the states in our country have even voted yet.

Reply · 8 · Like· Follow Post · about an hour ago

Akuma Tsurugi · Amos Alonzo Stagg High School

BTW "The Columbian", nice job on fact checking!

Reply · Like· 34 minutes ago.
Trish Carr · Springfield, Missouri
Once again, same exact words written in 4 other MSM press releases - too lazy to do the research or report accurate facts, just run the same story over and over again only in different streams - I hope the hell people are paying attention to this BS! I know I am! Evidently Associated Press owns USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, Washington Post, some LA press source, etc...EXACT SAME ARTICLE! Wake up America and take your country back! No more force feeding for this girl! RIP Associated Press and all the pretty dresses in your closet! Put the lipstick away - still ain't buying this pig!

Reply · 7 · Like· Follow Post · about an hour ago

Steven DiBona · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University

I've seen this same exact b.s. article from the AP on four different sublets. Plagiarism, regurgitation of the infinitely bogus anyone? GoldmannSachsDEM vs GoldamannSachsREPUB.... no thanks. Ron Paul or bust in 2012!

Reply · 4 · Like· Follow Post · about an hour ago

Steven DiBona · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University

Mike Baker, You are a coward. Care to debate on the facts here?

Reply · 1 · Like· about an hour ago.
Jon Gilrain
The ultimate goal is not simply to oust Obama.. the goal is to restore the constitution and limit the federal government's role to one of protecting individual liberty.

Reply · 2 · Like· Follow Post · 50 minutes ago

Jon Gilrain
This is the reason Romney is not much different from Obama in the eyes of Paul supporters. If the GOP nominates Romney there is not really much they can do to gain the support of the mass of Ron Paul's supporters. They will simply have to swallow that bitter pill as the price for their establishment mediocrity.

Its a shame too because the debate this country most needs to have is the one between Obama and Paul. Obama/Romney would be the 2012 version of Abbot & Costello's Who's on First...

Reply · Like· 9 minutes ago.Add a Reply...
Tyler Colford · Top Commenter · CEO/Manager/Artist at Machete Ish Records

Nonsense from the article, truth out of the comments. Where are the Romney supporters on this Romney love feet article? Oh yeah they don't exist.

Reply · 2 · Like· Follow Post · 48 minutes ago
David Starling MacMillan III · University of North Alabama

The AP writers are seriously cracking me up. I love the picture at the top -- "Paul speaks to his supporters after loss at Maine caucuses in February." Uh, Paul won the Maine delegates. All of them. Guess they forgot to mention that.

There's no "increase influence" about it. The Paul crowd is in it to win it, and with Romney barely past six hundred delegates, there's still quite a bit of fight left to fight.

Reply · 1 · Like· Follow Post · 33 minutes ago

Pat Hilty · Landscape Designer/Owner at

This article is pure propaganda lies. NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO! We Paulbots will never vote for Romney. He is bought and paid for by the banksters and corporations who control his puppet strings. We the People stand up for truth and light on restoring our nation guided by the US Constitution.

Reply · 1 · Like· Follow Post · 25 minutes ago

Conrad B Senior · Top Commenter

Time to twist the tail of mainstream media. Delegates would put in place for a reason, because our founding fathers did not trust popular vote.

Reply · 1 · Like· Follow Post · about an hour ago

Mitch Pasquin · Top Commenter · California State University, Chico

No more Bilderberg Group puppets! Nobody but Ron Paul 2012... NOBODY!

Reply · 1 · Like· Follow Post · 59 minutes ago
You come across a lot like this guy (I think it's one guy with multiple identities) and you tend to sound like a cult-following moron.

Which is, when you think about it, another reason to be frightened of this idiot.

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