Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Tim Leavitt shoots off his mouth... and hits himself in the foot.

We all know the deal about Tim Leavitt, a consummate liar who happened to fool enough people to get elected mayor of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver.

He's having another "vote democrat" dog and pony show sponsored by the local democrat daily, with carefully screened questions so that Leavitt avoids further embarrassment.

Well, apparently nailing the bong a little too hard, he felt compelled to babble thus in the comment section under the Columbian's announcement of this total waste of time, effort and energy:

Now, because this dim bulb has finally managed to figure out what kind of fan he's walking into by facing me and many others who despise his lies, lack of integrity and arrogance, he's shifted to this, instead:

Cowardice is a strange characteristic for our elected officials to be infested with, don't you think?

It's strange for Jaime... and it's strange for Timmy.

And no, Timmy... your cowardice is no where near "reasonable."


Jack said...

Timmy can chicken out all he wants, but I do live in the city, I do vote, and so does my family. And I'm not the only one who reads this blog that does.

Lew said...

As I said, my offer to him still stands.

His effort to weasel out after I called his bluff is laughable.

Apparently he forgot to request his testicles be freed from Jeanne Harris' lock box she keeps them in before commenting yesterday.

Jack said...

Timmy talks "big", but he sure doesn't have much to say when he's getting his miserable rear-end thrashed. Maybe that ought to "tell" him something.

Lew said...

Timmy's latest volley to me;

"Lew Waters: I fully appreciate that I haven't been blocked to write openly and freely on your blog, Lew. However, you must agree that holding a town hall event (albeit, as you no longer qualify to be a participant) would generate more public interest (and press) than simply posting on your blog. No?"

How much of a weasel can you be to request a public event that you disqualify those who you invite to it from being there?

Anonymous said...

Lew - Is this what you have been doing all along on your vacation time? :) I'm loving it....

Lew said...

Anonymous 10:02, no it isn't what I have been doing all vacation. We took yesterday off to relax, after going all over with my wife's sister.

If you will note, Tim left his initial comment the previous day and several people wondered what my response to Tim's request was.

Apparently, my response wasn't as expected nor as well received as it could have been.

My sister-in-law left this morning, so I will be gradually returning to more activity.