Sunday, March 04, 2012

Nice take on the "Slut" bruhaha.

Sniper takes aim at the "Slut" idiocy, and gets it in the K5.


March 4th, 2012 by The Sniper
I wrote this earlier but decided to post a video of me reading it instead of just the words because I wanted to add emphasis where I thought it belonged. Mind you, I don’t really care what people do in their personal lives and if you want bang a phalanx of male members or dive into a sea of muff, that’s your business… but don’t politicize it or you might not like what you hear. Do I think Sandra Fluke is a slut? Naw, probably not. Frankly, I don’t care if she is or is not. What she does with her vagina is her business. When she starts trying to force people to pay for what she does with her vagina (in fact, when she tries to make the government and ergo make me pay for it) and goes before congress to testify about it, she makes it everybody’s business.

The bottom line is this: the old mantra “keep government out of my vagina” is total bullshit if you want government to pay for what goes in it.

By the way, here are the links to the US News and World Report and Kinsey Institute reports if you want to check my numbers as well as a SlutWalk link.

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