Monday, March 05, 2012

A Mitt Romney local/national parable.

Those supporting Romney are all abuzz about what, in reality, is a particularly weak showing where Mitt has shown that he's nailed down the RINO vote.

Ron Paul under-performed, but being a cantankerous nut-job can only get you so far.

So, what's the parable?

Using the logic of calling this a "win" for Romney, let's take a look at another election that took place in August of 2010... right here in my own (18th) District:

Dennis Kampe ......................31.74%
Ann Rivers ............................25.61%
Jon Russell ............................23.91%
Jon Haugen ............................7.25%
Brandon Vick .........................5.80%
Richard Carson .......................4.05%
Anthony Bitner .......................1.53%
Write ins .................................0.12%

So, based on this, Dennis Kampe "won" this election pretty much like Romney "won" the caucuses.

So, let's fast forward just a touch to the general:

Ann Rivers ............................60.02%
Dennis Kampe ......................39.74%
Write ins .................................0.24%

Folks, with the anointment of Mitt Romney... the same people who brought us the pro-gay marriage Reagan Dunn, the RINO in Republican clothing, Jaime Herrera, and the Scott "He's terrorizing the unions" Walker-bashing Rob McKenna as candidates.

Romney did not win.  And in fact, he's setting us up for what would have been unthinkable a few short months ago: another Obama win.

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