Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Witt gets her 30 pieces of silver and then gets out.

So, lesbian Air Force Major Margaret Witt doesn't give a damn about gays openly serving... for her, it was all about the Benjamins.

And that's fine. It goes to the same kind of character that could allow an officer to lie when they took the Oath of Commissioning, and then lie with each promotion:
I, (state your full name), having been appointed a _________ , in the United States Air Force, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, so help me God.
Lying about the fact you're a homosexual, particularly before the passage of DADT, is just that; a "mental reservation" AND a "purpose of evasion."
No officer who took the oath under these circumstances should have been allowed to remain in, even after the passage of DADT, because DADT did not erase the basic lie that officer utilized to get commissioned in the first place.
In Witt's case, all the caterwahling about her choice of partners wasn't to make any great statement about homosexuals serving in the military... particularly since no one has the right to serve in the Armed Forces.
No... it was about the money.
Witt lied to get, and stay, in.  And the lie concerning her sexuality was just as much a lie as if she had falsified her records or credentials.

The massive number of non-serving supporters who will never have to deal with the issues, lives, or reduced combat capabilities their social engineering will cause don't care, of course.  Witt, liar as she was, was merely another means to an end, which was to ram the philosophies and values of their non-serving asses down the throats of those who strap it on every damned day to keep us free... and who shouldn't have to deal with the values and judgments of those who do not and have not served.
You listening, Mr. President?
Good job, Major.  We're well rid of you.

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