Monday, April 11, 2011

These are Tolls. This is our local economy on Tolls. Any questions?

No one has bothered to do any in-depth study of the massive, long term, negative local economic impacts of blowing a $100,000,000 hole in our local economy due to tolls.

No one will do that because, well, they know the impact, particularly on small business that exists on disposable income, will be horrific (Not that they care) and, well, they don't want any facts to interfere in their decision to screw us.

But we can get a reasonably good idea of how much this is going to hurt from the economic impacts caused by the rising prices of gas.

Penciling out some figures, presuming a 20 mile per gallon vehicle and a 40 mile per work day commute, we are talking something on the order of 10 gallons of gas per week for that purpose.

At $4 per gallon, that's $40 per week.

Add a $5 (conservatively) toll, and that's $65 per week... or the equivalent of gasoline at $6.50 per gallon to an average commuter. How many of the bridgers/looters wouldn't mind paying $6.50 a gallon for THEIR gas (Keep in mind the fact that those wanting this the most will be paying the least... since they won't have to commute to go to work every day.)

As the price of gasoline goes up, we can extrapolate the impacts on the local economy of this major economic segment of 65,000 plus commuters... and the impacts on them of the equivalent of $6.50 a gallon gas... and the impacts on the local burger joints, restaurants, retail stores, hardware stores, auto dealers and the like, as the imposition of what amounts to an economic recession to the massive commuting public and their families ripples through the economy.

Like any other Nazi's who swore they didn't know about the concentration camps... if they didn't know?

It's because they didn't WANT to know.

Is it any wonder the bridgers/looters don't want to look at this... or have US look at it?

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