Monday, April 11, 2011

France.... well done?

With Obama's cowardice and incompetence, somebody has to pick up the baton and move forward to address the issues confronting us today.

It was just a few weeks ago that the empty suit in the White House justified our actions in Libya (and how's that worked out for us?) by mumbling about people getting slaughtered... like they are in a half dozen countries today... the Ivory Coast among them.

My position is that Obama had a small window to act that would have saved hundreds, if not thousands... of lives. Had he acted when that window was open, Qaddafi would have collapsed and we would have been out cab fare. But Mr. Ineptitude failed to grasp the moment, it's importance or our ability.

The result? The window slammed shut and Qaddafi extended his tenure immeasurably.

Decisive action. At the decisive point. In the decisive place. At the decisive time.

I think this guy struggles over the breakfast menu.

As I've pointed out over Obama's nonsensical justification over getting involved in Libya, there are a great many similarities in a great many countries. The White House's position, that justifications are situational, is a disaster for American foreign policy.

So now, we have the French doing what we should have done if the Libyan Doctrine is to apply anywhere else.


That's right.  France.  France has mounted an incursion into the Ivory Coast and rounded up the bloodthirsty SOB. Whoda thunk it.
I'm torn about that.
On one hand, we have abrogated our position as a super power... all part of Obama's plan.
On the other, France has set the example as to what, if we were going to get involved at all, we SHOULD have done once Obama blew it on the initial action of failing to shove this guy over when he had the chance.
France.  The punchline of almost any military joke... getting in there... and getting it done.
While we watch, helpless, on the sidelines.
And we all know why.
Cliff Notes:
If we're going to act, we must act for the greatest impact at the least cost.
If we're going to act, we must have a course of action that will result in a decisive victory.
If we're going to act, our enemies must know, in advance, where the lines are... unlike now... so the moment they cross those lines, our response is swift, sure and predictable.
Not HOW we are going to react, but THAT we care going to react, and it's going to cost them... dearly.
And the idea that we are going to engage in situational justification?
That's insanity.

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