Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stop pouting, Lou. It's so unbecoming.

Here's Lou on getting called out:

It should be quite humorous to watch The Columbian "snort & spin" the next time a political "scandal" comes up and it happens to revolve around a Republican instead of a Democrat.
We'll be waiting and watching, Lou.

artimus — April 23, 2011 at 12:31 p.m. ( | suggest removal ) | Ignore User )

Not sure I understand your point artimus. As blogger Lew Waters pointed out much earlier. we did a bunch on State Rep. Harris[sic] when he got into his personal mess. Lew actually spent the time to count up the number of stoires we had done on him vs. Jacks.

And Lew's point -- others as well -- is we somehow treat Democrats better than we treat Republicans. Both sides who claim both things are wrong of course.

We're equal opportunity diggers.

So if you're now saying we somehow are treating Republicans better than Democrats, well, welcome to the crazy world of the media getting beat up side the head... by both sides!

Lou Brancaccio (Columbian Staff) — April 23, 2011 at 12:45 p.m. ( | suggest removal ) | Ignore User )

This is a brazen lie, of course.

One need go no father back then the last election campaign to see that lie in action.  The rag even refused to tie Jim "The Candy Man" Moeller's moronic "what's candy and what isn't" sales tax bill to him, an effort that would have likely seen him defeated had they told the truth about it instead of sitting on the facts... much like they've been sitting on them about Jacks.

Character assassination was the order of the day if you had an R after your name.  Me... Van Nortwick (Who Lou and his henchmen ginzued repeatedly), Boger...

Neither Brancaccio or any of his winged monkeys did anything CLOSE to that for or to anyone with a "D" after their name.

Much like when the rag endorsed democrats and democrats only for any open seat or the entire election cycle of 2008, to suggest there is no bias is to suggest that Brancaccio isn't a leftist moron.  And the fact that he continues to say it... over... and over... and over... goes to the fact that the bias exists... otherwise, he wouldn't have to keep dealing with it.

I'll be posting on whatever blather Brancaccio prints tomorrow if he hasn't broken his own arm patting himself on the back and deluding himself and a few readers that he's an impartial arbiter of truth, justice and the American way.

I expect that much of what he writes will have already been written... here... but it won't be the first time I've left the rag in my dust... and it's likely not the last.

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