Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The joke of the year? Sharon Wylie: "Democrats believe in transparency."

Sharon Wylie made the top of the list for the appointment to replace Jim Jacks, who transparently resigned suddenly, for transparent reasons that the democrats, aided by the democratian, are transparently hiding.

The only thing "transparent" about the democrats at all levels of government, from the federal on down, is that they want you, the voter, to know as little as possible as long as possible.

The "transparency" Wylie was babbling about was the same "transparency" at the local level that caused Tim "The Liar" Leavitt to flip on his toll campaign; that caused Steve "The Liar" Stuart to forget all about his pledge to have a loot rail vote, county wide, in November that he's now trying to blow off; it's the same kind of transparency that causes democrats to tremble at the very idea of a vote on this entire sorry project; that has resulted in at least 10 "title-only" bills being passed in the Legislature; that led the democrats to give everyone about 10 minutes to review Obamacare and the Porkulous before they forced a vote on it... and the list goes on and on and on.

Yeah.  They're ALL about "transparency."

When it comes to "transparency," the Nazi's were more transparent. Democrats at all levels are so far away from "transparency" that a blind man could see it in a minute.

Is this the kind of verbiage we can expect from whichever hack gets the appointment? Bullet point lies about the issues confronting us?

"Democrats believe in transparency?"

In a pig's patootie.

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