Friday, April 15, 2011

From Prof. Jacobsen: "Game Over - Kloppenburg Loses to Prosser (and Truman)(and Palin)"

Well, it's final, and the union lackey lost in the Wisconsin State Supreme Court race.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Game Over - Kloppenburg Loses to Prosser (and Truman)(and Palin)

The results have just been posted in the Milwaukee County canvass, and nothing much changed from yesterday. AP reports Prosser picked up 11 more votes and is the winner.

I repeat, JoAnne Kloppenburg lost. David Prosser won.

The vote margin stands at 7316, a virtually insurmountable lead for a recount. All the hanging chads in the world will not put Kloppenburg on the Supreme Court.

So I will make a plea taken from a concern troll who posted a comment here when it looked like Kloppenburg would win by 200 votes:
Prosser Kloppenburg is in a really tough spot here. A close election like this, you would pretty much have to file a recount.

But a recount would throw the impartiality and fairness of the Wisconsin court system into doubt, considering any judge in Wisconsin would have a personal interest in the case.

For the sake of the Wisconsin courts, Prosser Kloppenburg might have to swallow the narrow loss.
Sarah Palin, who endorsed Prosser shortly before the election, will be attending a Tea Party rally in Madison Saturday. Should be fun.


Fringe leftist slime.

Gotta hate 'em.

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