Sunday, April 24, 2011

The democratian whitewash of Jacks continues.

It's not just that it was a pathetic job of covering for Jacks... after all, we expect "pathetic" when it comes to Brancaccio's rank biases to the left... it's just that as transparent a piece of crap as that was, it was so obviously and poorly written.

Brancaccio has problems.  But his biggest problem is like Jacks' long term refusal to admit he had a drinking problem, Brancaccio has a long term refusal to admit he has a leftist bias problem, and the community suffers for it.

Lew Waters nails it.  That Brancaccio expects that this is somehow "enough," and that we're quietly going to fold up our tents and steal into the night is as asinine as Lou thinking he's got us believing he's not a leftist shill masquerading as an editor of an unbiased swindle sheet.

I have not yet read the story because it's a print-only scam to get people to actually buy his lies.  But at some point, I'll get the story he's so fricking proud of and rip it to pieces.

Meanwhile, I'll start with an excerpt provided by Lew and my response:
Brancaccio spewed: “I told Jacks there will always be those will want to tear someone down, use information against them."
The rank hypocrisy of a slimeball like Brancaccio writing this, given his history of attacking me, cannot be overstated.
But my sense is, most in the community, no matter if they’re a Democrat or a Republican, think better of someone who admits their mistakes and is working to better themselves after that admission.
The community can have a moment of clarity, as well.
Any time the community realizes that Brancaccio writes for the democrats like they were paying him, that is a moment of clarity.

Here's my response, left on Lew's page:
“There will always be those in the media who cover for democrats while they do everything they can to tear down Republicans or anyone else who oppose their agenda.
But my sense is, most in the community, no matter if they’re a Democrat or a Republican, believe that a slimy democrat propaganda sheet like our local paper would think better of an editor who admits the truth and is working to better themselves after that admission.
The community can have a moment of clarity, as well.”
The truth is this: Jacks is an alcoholic. But that is not why he left the legislature.
The truth concerns what he was doing while he was drinking. And the rag has completely abrogated their duty… DUTY to the community they allegedly serve… the community they sniveled so loudly about to get their huge B&O tax break while the rest of us had to pay more… to tell ALL of the truth… not just the pap they put out to cover Jacks’… and the democrats… collective ass.
There is no way...  NO WAY Brancaccio would have treated a Republican this way. And we know this for the simple reason that while Lou crucifies Republicans… he ALWAYS lets dems off the hook.
Leavitt… Stuart… Moeller… and now Jacks.
But then, we never expected anything better.
That Brancaccio lies and takes credit for the story this blog broke a month ago about Jacks' alcohol problem speaks to his lack of integrity.  That he has failed this community miserably when he allows Jacks and the democrats to control this story as if there isn't more... much more... to be told speaks to his lack of fairness.

Brancaccio and his rag truly are a cancer on our community.  And they can't go bankrupt fast enough.


Lew said...

By all indications in Lou's columns, Jacks acted on impulse to coming to suddenly realize his problem. As stated in the Sunday column, he had a “moment of clarity.” What exactly led to that moment of clarity is left unsaid. However, questions are raised now on the claim of such a “moment of clarity” in reading, “Jacks’ legislative website had been taken down and his name expunged from the electronic voting machine in the House before the resignation was announced. Members were quoted in news stories as saying that the resignation had been discussed days in advance.”
Reports on file at the state Public Disclosure Commission indicate that Jacks transferred remaining campaign funds to the House Democratic Caucus two days before the resignation. And the letter of resignation itself was faxed from a location in Oregon.”

Washington State Wire

The Democratic Party needs to clear up about Jacks being in Oregon the morning of March 25, 2011 when he sent in his letter of resignation. We have been led to believe he was present in Olympia at the time of his resignation and now, we hear he was staying at a hotel in Oregon? How long was in Oregon instead of tending to the business of the house?

The Columbian would do well to end this whitewash and get to the truth of this matter. As I have said before, the longer this drags out, the more of a campaign issue it will be in this years special election. The people of Clark County and the 49th legislative district deserve to know the truth, just as we were told in the cases of the past concerning Republicans.

K.J. Hinton said...

And here's the hell of it.

We both knew more in 48 hours about the true circumstances of Jacks' departure than Brancaccio has "reported" in the month since the lid was blown off.

The truth is always an absolute defense to "libel." And the one thing the democrats or Jacks do not want is a lawsuit because of discovery and the ability to question everyone under oath as to what they knew... and when they knew it.

This is the biggest scam outside the bridge construction con that Brancaccio has ever pulled. And here's the memo: it ain't going away.