Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why is Jim Moeller lying?

There is no more a fringe-leftist partisan hack than Jim Moeller.

Best known for a level of arrogance riveled only by Jeannie "Gavel Down" Harris, Moeller is the "father" of the recently crushed statewide vote that destroyed his bizarre"this is, this isn't" candy tax.

Now, Moeller, who has no say locally, has weighed in on the issue of a vote on the CRC blackhole.

What does he say?
Jim Moeller

Jim Moeller A public vote will be held for the maintenance and operation funding of light-rail – this or next year. It’s a question of timing. To say there will not be a public vote on light-rail is a lie. Is voting on funding the maintenance and operations not a public vote on light-rail? There will be a vote. However, it won’t b...e advisory like ...the Republicans want and – it will be binding.

I, personally, know of efforts underway in the legislature to roll the M&O into tolls in an effort to take this out of the hands of the voters... certainly the Identity Vancouver prefered alternative.

But the biggest lie in this crap pile is this:

However, it won’t be advisory like ...the Republicans want and – it will be binding.
I have yet to talk to ANY Republican who wants this vote to only be "advisory." And I defy Moeller to list those who limit their support ONLY to an "advisory" vote.

EVERY GOP legislator and public official I've talked to wants this vote to both be binding AND county wide. Every one of them understands that both Vancouver and Clark County are doing anything and everything they can to keep this off the ballot... and they may have legal reasons to keep this vote off the ballot if it is binding, but they have zero reasons to keep it off the ballot if it's advisory.

For me, the only reason I favor an advisory vote in ANY way is that I believe an advisory vote to be much better then the prefered DEMOCRAT alternative... which is no vote at all... since the overwhelming NO vote of an advisory would damage the agenda of the bridger/looter slimeballs almost as much as an binding vote.

Why Moeller has to be such a lying ass about all of this is simply beyond me. But the better question is this: why am I not surprised?


Debbie Peterson said...

When/Where did Moeller say this? Thanks

K.J. Hinton said...

On his facebook page dated March 19. There's a link.

Towards the bottom. It's a comment on an article from the lazy C: