Saturday, March 19, 2011

So... when do we extend the no-fly zone over the rest of the Middle East?

Besides the tactical disaster of waiting to do what was obvious should have been done in the first 3 days of this conflict, geometrically increasing the amount of time, effort, energy, blood and money to fix this situation, all of this begs the issue:

When do we extend this no fly zone over the rest of the Middle East?

Because the facts are these: Iran has slaughtered it's own people, and we don't seem to have a problem with that.

Yemen and Bahrain seem to have no trouble with it. Saudi Arabia might have to do the same thing.

If the bogus reasoning we're using to do this thing applies to Qaddafi... then it needs to apply to everyone else.

And now, I'm given to understand that Qaddafi is using human shields to surround his critical assets. He can use those human shields for tactical advantage in going after the rebels.

Are we prepared to destroy 500 civilians set up all over a column of tanks?

Obama is a clueless moron. Let me be the first to say it: as lukewarm as I am with the idea of McCain as president... there is no way... NO WAY... this would have happened on his watch.


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