Tuesday, March 22, 2011

State House budget to waste another $25 million on the CRC. Where's Moeller?

Here's a great way to force a binding vote down here, Mouth: have your caucus yank the funding unless there's a binding, county-wide vote.

I get that it's a GOP'er who came up with this idea... and I want it to be binding and all that... now... what are you going to do about it?

Why am I even bothering to ask.

Details here: look at page 3, item 400506A. Note that Moeller and his fellow fringe leftists published the budget a whole 90 minutes before the hearing.

What a bunch of slime.

That'll make a total of $158,000,000 wasted as the special interests desperately try to waste as much, $400,000,000, as they wasted on the 520 Bridge. After all, it's just our money.

And there's no provision for Vaseline in there... but their should be.

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