Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bridgers/Looters get spanked: Woodland to CRC, "Drop Dead." Moeller perplexed.

Seriously? Moeller Doesn't understand this vote, this reflection of the public will of Clark County?

Based on my knowledge of the people involved, there is no doubt in my mind that it was a quid-pro-quo, and fortunately, Fredericks pulled the pin on that particular grenade.

Swindell has always been a union hack democrat. He's the kind of guy who still would have voted for Clinton if he'd seen a video of him molesting a girl scout troop. He'd drop kick a puppy to get unions back to work, no matter how badly it would rape us.

And Blum? Well, who hasn't read the reports about his lack of control over city government?

For those living in a dream world, like Moeller, "The Liar" Leavitt and "The Liar" Stuart, you might hope that this slap would get their attention... and in most instances, it probably would.

But this horrific, nonsensical, massive waste of billions isn't "most instances."

The scum ramming this program down our throats have proven time and again that they don't care what we want or how we want it.

For the more delusional types, like The Liar Stuart, this HAD to sting.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart, a member of the C-Tran board of directors, said he’s familiar with the new political action committee’s poll and is confident both measures already have majority support.

One wonders. IS The Liar Stuart as delusional today as he was yesterday? Or do you think this bucket of ice water he was immersed in when he read this might have woken him up?

And as for The Mouth Moeller, where he is quoted as saying:“The fact of the matter is, nobody is getting a new project because there is no new money,” Moeller said.

Again, one has to wonder. He's cheerfully wasting $25 million MORE on the CRC. We seem to have unlimited money for THAT crap pile... why NOT "new projects?"

The lies and exaggerations about "jobs," the utter nonsense that Woodland would, in any way benefit from enslaving the commuters who live in the area... The directly challenged idea, sniveled by Blum that “We could have had an impact on how the bridge was built,” a long disproven position, if The Liar Leavitt is to be believed, followed by the complete lunacy of “We’re looking for a low-cost, efficient structure that would allow us to get goods and services across the river,” as if this steaming manure pile were "low-cost" OR an "efficient structure" that would do ANYTHING to help get "goods and services across the river."

Woodland would have better luck using a barge.

Thanks to Councilman Benjamin Fredericks for telling the truth and acting to slam the union sculls.

Because, like I said, this reeks of the deal... fortunately, a deal that blew up in the faces of those trying to manipulate the system with their amateurish bribery.

And to the slime trying to slither away from an advisory vote... how is it that the Woodland City Council, which has absolutely NO authority concerning ANYTHING about the bridge, can vote on this issue, while the clowns in Vancouver are using the "authority" issue as a reason to deprive US of a vote on this?

Somebody is lying here. And I believe "The Liars" are a damned good place to start.

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