Friday, March 18, 2011

Living up to my low expectations, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt was everything I expected he would be.

He was as despicable as I knew he would be, failing to answer the questions asked of him, spouting out talking points.

In fact, I tend to believe it was one of his trained campaign seals that actually answered the questions.

But his cowardice and complete lack of integrity shined through with his typically underhanded brilliance.

Perhaps the most confusing element was the webmaster's failure to keep The Liar on task and answering the questions he was asked instead of his worthless answers to issues no one was talking about while he ignored the questions put to him. She actually thanked him "for answering our questions."

For the most part, he didn't "answer" anything. Who knew THAT would be the outcome?

A disgraceful performance both by The Liar and the democratian webmaster... and certainly the complete waste of time and effort I knew it would be.

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