Friday, March 18, 2011

The "Live Chat" with Tim "The Liar" Leavitt? A "Live" waste of time.

Why bother?

The man lied repeatedly to get elected, and he's already stated that he won't answer questions... well, "some" questions, which is a euphemism for complete avoidance of responsibility for his lies, his deceit, his manipulation, his efforts to engage in censorship and using his bunk buddy to attack those wise enough to oppose his moronic lies.

It's a tough gig out here, Liar. It's just a shame that you lack the guts to answer ANY question, no matter what... though, based on your political performance to date, I can see why the thought of it terrifies you.

Such a commitment would require courage and honor. And neither are even in the same zip code with you.

And no matter how giddy the democratian may be at the thought of you "subjecting" yourself to this, that you will only answer the hearts and flower questions YOU like goes to show how worthless this sorry exercise really is.

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