Saturday, March 26, 2011

Has Jon Russell gone off the deep end?

This commentary, none of which comes from me, speaks for itself. I discussed this briefly a few days ago, but much more has happened since.

I am told that Jon Russell is a good man. But it's clear that it's almost like he's demon-possessed when he's under pressure.

The following is the ongoing discussion concerning the E Street project in Washougal. Jon and his various alter-egos have a lot to say. That's problematic, because here we have a case of an elected official with a lot on his mind who's talking... but insists on using fake identities, a pattern of Russell's well established, to say it.

I believe that much of what Russell says equates to the ravings of a lunatic. But I readily admit my bias, so feel free to read it yourself.

Cross Posted at Jon Russell Watch with the comments from the paper.

1 comment:

Lew said...

I know I've said it before and it's worth saying again. Russell continues to be his own worst political enemy.