Saturday, March 05, 2011

The cowardice of Steve Stuart and Tim "The Liar" Leavitt..

Steve Stuart is a liar.

There. I said it.

It's been reported that Stuart wants to delay the gerrymandered vote on loot rail maintenance and operation, because "now is a bad time."

When is there a good time to screw the people, Steve?

Like Brancaccio, Stuart wants to delay and stall a loot rail vote until he can get his leftist buddies to pass a law in the legislature making the loot rail vote moot.

The LAST thing they want is to continue to support a program that has been, as this issue will be, thoroughly trashed at the polls.

Let me repeat that:

The LAST thing they want is to continue to support a program that has been, as this issue will be, thoroughly trashed at the polls.

Was it that long ago that Stuart was taking credit for the then required vote on maintenance and operations? The vote they would have been FORCED to take to fund loot rail operation... until they decided to ignore us once again?

Any effort by anyone to delay this vote will be tied to the ongoing effort to ignore the will of the voters and remove our right to vote on this issue, ever... even the few of us they will allow to vote, via their gerrymandered taxing district.

So, when Steve Stuart, who has been selling us out on this horrific project from the get-go babbles:

Commissioner Steve Stuart raised the issue of the vote’s timing, saying there isn’t a need to hold the vote right away and it’s a bad time.

“(Residents) are taxed out. Now is a bad time to be asking for taxes,” said Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart. “Where’s the crisis?”

What he's REALLY saying, once again, is that he doesn't want to hear it.

"Where's the crisis?"

The crisis is that Stuart and his ilk don't want a little thing like the will of the people to interfere with their plans. They know the majority they govern want nothing to do with this.

"Where's the crisis?"

NONE of the downtown mafia that want this project so they can get their criminal waste of loot rail into Clark County want this, or any part of it, to go to a vote. And now, with the legislature looking at ways to ram this down our throats, those who would be held accountable for DIRECTLY ignoring the will of the people, including Stuart, Boldt and The Liar, don't want to allow us to vote on this issue... and if the legislature does what these slime want, the mud from Pridemore's gerrymandering bill, designed to cut out 10's of thousands of "no voters," won't have to be utilized and all of these scum will keep their skirts clean.

"Where's the crisis?"

The "crisis" is in the immoral, unbelievable waste of tens of millions of dollars with nothing to show for it when the people don't want the project they're wasting it on.

It takes true arrogance, of the kind routinely displayed by the bridgers/looters, to cut the people completely out of the question of indebting us to billions of dollars of waste and lifetimes of ever-increasing tolls for a project we don't want, don't need and can't afford.

The crisis, actually, was in Steve Stuart's unfortunate re-election and the wasted opportunity to rid us of him.

And now, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, best known for his bogus "anti-toll" position first conveniently trotted out to get himself elected and then dumped at his first possible moment; wants to gerrymander a taxing district, the way Pridemore envisioned it.

The Liar, of course, wants a subdistrict like the last one C-Trans used to overturn the will of the people of Clark County... so that we wouldn't have a say... we'd just get the opportunity to pay.

That, of course, is why Leavitt so stupidly calls it "viable," so he can screw us into paying for it without having a say.

The state Legislature could authorize using bridge tolls to pay for the operation of light rail. That may not be popular in Southwest Washington — and it would presumably drive up the long-term cost of interest on toll-backed revenue bonds — but it is permissible under existing state law.
These people, of course, don't care how much it costs, since they aren't going to pay for it.

And letting the legislature do their dirty work?

That's golden... for them.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Not that a vote seems to matter any longer, but no Loot Rail on the ballot, I vote NO on C-Trans.

Shut the whole damn mess down until they listen to us.

Oh, and raise my taxes anyways? I drive up to Cowlitz County to shop just to keep from paying Clark County sales tax on Loot Rail.

And, I won't care what gas costs to do it.

Jantzen Beach will do until they toll the bridge.

I've been big on always shopping this side of the river to keep it all local, but screw them. They screw me and I'll do my small part to screw them back.