Sunday, February 20, 2011

Local newspaper bully fills his blivet.

It's bad enough that we have a couple of community thugs, but what makes it worse is that they have the platform of a paper to spread their peculiar brand of manure.

As the head of BAAW Brigade (Build Absolutely Anything, even if it's Worthless) Laird has no peer in spending OUR money. Not his, you understand, because that moron won't have to pay a toll... plus Oregon state income tax, for the privilege of going to work... but ours. He never lets up from the idea that we have to waste billions for his vision, because, after all, his vision is vastly superior to the rabble who will have to pay for this steaming crap pile... right John?

Myth No. 1: That a third bridge was ever considered.

Reality: Laird and his fellow travelers constantly regale us with this bizarre idea that any alternative to the rejected new bridge/loot rail project was ever considered.

His Goebbellian effort to repeat the lie does him no good and no credit. Any sentient being around here during the last vote where Laird's position was crushed in a 70/30 loss understands that those who "studied" this issue where hired by those who wanted exactly what we have now: the idea that the ONLY solution is to replace a perfectly serviceable bridge so we can sneak loot rail in here... loot rail that isn't even required to build a bridge... yet another fact this horrific cancer on our community won't address or publicize.

By stacking the deck to do this "study" with only those favored by the downtown mafia and Laird's fellow Nazi's, the preordained result of ONLY a replacement bridge, the same size... in the same place... WITH loot rail... was the only outcome from the beginning. Laird and the rest of the DT mafia wouldn't have it any other way.

A third and fourth bridge are the obvious solutions to our transportation issues. That Laird stamps his widdle footsy and keeps saying that it isn't doesn't change anything. That the downtown mafia rejected any "solution" save the one we have, because, after all, no other solution would put loot rail into downtown, doesn't change anything.

Environmental concerns that he blathers about can be overcome. If Portland doesn't like it, then fine. Since the new bridge Laird fantasizes about will do absolutely nothing to improve either freight mobility or congestion, then that's just another reason to not build it.

Laird is so sure he knows what towns and entities will or will not allow when, in reality, those towns and entities would have no say in the matter.

Don't think so? You believe Laird's lies?

How many times have we been told that there's nothing anyone over here can do about tolls? Why, if the local cities can't do anything about tolls, what makes this moron think they can do anything about routing additional bridges?

Myth No 2: that we should pay anything for this waste of money.

Reality: This project, top to bottom, start to especially the current finish, has been a total waste of time, effort and energy... not to mention a hundred million dollars plus. We shouldn't reward the slimeballs shilling this with a dime of our money... thus making Laird's hairball idea a pretty terrible deal... but one he has no problem with because, well, again: HE WON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR THE TOLLS TO COMMUTE TO WORK.

It's easy for slimeball like Laird to force others to pay money for something HE wants.

Myth No. 3: That we should pay any toll.

Reality: We do not want, need or can afford this crap pile. Since it's the product more of Laird's fetishes then any genuine need in the face of the multiple cheaper, more efficient and available alternatives, we, again should pay nothing, toll or not.

I have yet to hear this re-re address the impacts of blowing a $100,000,000 yearly hole in our local economy with that much disposable income vaporizing. What happens to the local small businesses depending on that cash? What happens to the ice cream shops? The coffee stands? The corner stores... or even the newspaper? Those kinds of things... especially for a worthless rag like the democratian... will be among the first expenses 65,000 commuting families cut. It may very well be that this moron is busy slashing his own wrists while rubbing the ignored public's face in it.

Myth No. 4. That any other bridge has anything to do with this one.

Reality: No one says that. No one believes that. Laird's an idiot for even mentioning it.

Spending one dime on the massive waste of, so far, tens of millions to be replaced by wasting hundreds of millions makes ANY cost unacceptable.

Myth No.5: Loot rail is good! Barf.... barf!

Reality: For its size the only form of transportation less efficient and more expensive is the space shuttle.

Nothing cost so much to move so few. Nothing. And again, those slime advocating it WON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.

Myth No. 6: That loot rail really makes any difference and will change congestion or energy use one iota.

Reality: Laird and his fellow winged monkeys demand we spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a system rife with crime that will move several hundred to a few thousand people per day, subsidizing each rider by $60 or more per rider... per ride.

It would literally be cheaper to buy each loot rail commuter a Cadillac with free gas AND a driver.

I'm NOT guessing here: this is a fact: the loudest and maddest scumbag columnist in the room is definitely not the smartest.

And so, Laird, the chief sheep of the BAAW Brigade proves once again that there is no lie he won't use, no exaggeration he won't spew, and no insult he won't let fly in support of his program of extortion and Nazi tactics.

I, for one, hope he chokes on it.

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